What caused the axe to fall on the BBC Singers?

BBC Singers onstage at BBC Proms
16 Mar 2023

The announcement of the closure of the BBC Singers - the UK's only full-time professional choir - has caused widespread anger and dismay. Ronald Corp thinks the decision takes no account of the value of a cherished cultural asset. 

How to get ahead in arts management

Orchestra on stage
28 Feb 2023

If you don’t have industry connections, trying to break into the sector can be overwhelming. So, courses that provide work experience are in high demand. Meet Karen Pimbley (course leader) and Annabel Atkins (student). 

Diversity data: colour or ethnicity?

A graphic depicts people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds wearing suits. Two of them are being fed through a food mincer. In the lower right corner of the image, there is a laptop with the Arts Council England logo in the top left corner. On the laptop, there is a red sticker with the number '51%' and a yellow sticker with the words 'Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Minorities'.
22 Feb 2023

With all the ambiguity around ethnicity terminology, Kevin Osborne is gradually coming to the view that identifying people by their colour is the best way to drive race equity. 

What’s happening to sector support for marginalised people?

Simeilia Hodge Dalloway
22 Feb 2023

The latest in a series of closures of organisations supporting and advocating for diverse groups is cause for concern, writes Amanda Parker

What does DCMS reform mean for the UK's creative industries?

Rishi Sunak's first speech as PM. He is speaking in front of No. 10 Downing Street.
16 Feb 2023

Last week’s reshuffle saw DCMS lose its digital remit to a new Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. Benjamin Kulka asks what this restructure means for the UK's creative sector.

Leading culture in our time

Three woman sat on a table at a work event. There are items scattered on the table including four bottles of water, mugs, a notebook, a pencil case and a small plate. Two white women are looking at an Asian woman holding a microphone (presumably speaking through it). The background is blurred, but there are other tables and guests.
01 Feb 2023

The start of a new year is always a time of reflection and optimism. But this year Hilary Carty finds she’s rather hesitant and feeling somewhat more vulnerable than in previous times. 

Can 'artistic citizenship' be taught?

Two Asian woman looking at a musical score over a piano. The photo is shot from the side. The woman closest to the camera is wearing a black top, she has short brown hair with a fringe, and is holding a pencil. The woman next to her has long, dark brown hair with a fringe, and is wearing a grey top.
01 Feb 2023

When asked if the performing arts should simply entertain or whether they have a higher social calling, Jonathan Vaughan is very clear. If the arts are to thrive and remain relevant, they have to do both.

Mind your language

The image is two performers on a raised tight wire in a dark circus tent decorated with gold stars and bunting. On the right is Krista, a young white woman of short stature with short brown hair looking into the distance. On the left is Gerhard, a young white man with short brown hair, who gazes intently at the other performer, Krista, as he reaches his hand to touch her. Both characters’ costumes are in the style of the 1930s. Hers is a shiny silver beaded corset with white silk shorts, tights and black sh
20 Jan 2023

In the world of public relations and, more importantly, in the world of activism and advocacy, language is critical. Binita Walia explores why.

The arts divided cannot stand

Futuristic graphic. There are rocks and wires along the bottom, robots with theatre lights for arms and UK cultural building/posters surrounding them.
18 Jan 2023

Kevin Osborne calls on leaders of the major classical music organisations to join his campaign to close the racial equity gap as a means of preserving their own funding.

Museums’ dirty secret: a failure to shift the dial on inclusion

Group of tired students sleeping at table
11 Jan 2023

Why do museums remain stubbornly non-inclusive? Because the solution is deeply unpalatable for many stakeholders, writes Amanda Parker.

Unboxing the future

07 Dec 2022

There has been considerable criticism of UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK - from the sector, in the press and in parliament. Here, its Programme Director Sam Hunt responds to the commentary.

Culture for health?

Graphic image illustrating research collaborations
07 Dec 2022

A new EU report – Culture for Health – reviews cultural interventions in health and wellbeing and makes policy recommendations. But a group of academics led by Stephen Clift has serious concerns about its credibility.

Theatre woes deepen

Empty theatre hall
06 Dec 2022

With the wide-ranging problems facing the theatre industry, Ruth Hogarth thinks it time for a review to safeguard its future.

UNBOXED: Was it worth it?

The See Monster exhibit
02 Dec 2022

Could the money put towards the £120m Unboxed festival have been better spent? asks News Editor Neil Puffett.

Unlocking creativity is the way to safeguard our planet

23 Nov 2022

Artists, poets, designers and creative practitioners hold the key to solving some of the most challenging issues of our time. Caroline Norbury thinks we should make more of it.

Opera in need of a collective voice

Paraorchestra playing in streets of Bristol
16 Nov 2022

As the dust settles on ACE's announcement of its new portfolio, Mark Pemberton unpacks the numbers to see what the outcome is for orchestras and opera companies.

Slow train coming? EDI in music higher education

Graphic of musical instrument
15 Nov 2022

A new report into equality, diversity and inclusion in music is published this week. Its authors Anna Bull, Diljeet Bhachu and Amy Blier-Carruthers argue to tackle the inequalities it reveals, EDI must be embedded into the discipline.

Industry professionals in support of music education

Stephanie Childress leading a workshop with Tri-borough Music Hub's Junior String Ensemble
09 Nov 2022

Music industry professionals are ready to support music education provision, writes Lissy Kelleher-Clarke, but the refreshed National Plan for Music Education falls short of suggesting new ideas.

How many arts administrators does it take to change a lightbulb?

09 Nov 2022

A recent article* from academic and musician Thomas Wolf makes a strident argument that arts organisations employ too many administrators. Ash Mann disagrees.

Levelling down London

Let's Create image
05 Nov 2022

The reallocation of such a significant slice of ACE funding away from the capital has caused shock. But it was always part of the Let's Create strategy.


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