Let’s not care what people think. Said nobody, ever. 

01 Dec 2021

When it comes to Equity, Diversity, Justice and Inclusion, Amanda Parker shares what happens when you fail to read the room – and what you can gain when you get it right. 

Going public

a group of people take part in a light installation
25 Nov 2021

Jonothan Neelands puts the case for a needs-based public culture, akin to Public Health or Public Education, to tackle inequality.

Thinking of applying for Arts Council NPO funding?

The Great Reset
17 Nov 2021

Has your organisation really got a chance of success? If not, think some more and save yourself the headache, says David Micklem.

Participation is everywhere. Now what? 

orchestra playing
10 Nov 2021

When and why did the art world decide that everyone’s creativity should be celebrated and supported? What change does it promise, and what will it deliver? François Matarasso has been reflecting.

Climate change needs more than lip service

05 Nov 2021

There are better ways for the arts sector and its funders to tackle the climate crisis than slipshod data collection.

Whose ‘lived experience’ matters most?

Lived experience graphic
04 Nov 2021

A new strand of political correctness is reshaping conversations on race: the idea of ‘lived experience’ driving the debate. While the intention is good, Kevin Osborne argues it throws up new questions.

We need to talk about race

image of people with slogans over their mouths
06 Oct 2021

A reluctance to share opinions openly is a significant block to achieving racial equity. But as Kevin Osborne argues, without understanding prevailing attitudes to racial inequity we are unlikely to reach effective solutions.

Optimism with a side of caution

06 Oct 2021

Nadine Dorries is a gift horse the cultural sector shouldn't look in the mouth.

Levelling down London’s HE sector

University of East London Docklands
06 Oct 2021

Universities in the capital are set to lose nearly £80m in funding for arts courses. Diana Beech fears this will further widen inequalities in sector training.

Is DCMS any longer fit for purpose?

photo of Nadine Dorries
28 Sep 2021

While the appointment of Nadine Dorries to lead DCMS has been greeted with widespread dismay by the cultural sector, Robert Hewison reflects on a deeper malaise at the heart of Government.

When best intentions backfire?

16 Sep 2021

In trying to diversify its company, English Touring Opera shot itself - and 14 freelancers - in the foot.

Racial equity: a zero-sum game?

people in scales
01 Sep 2021

The fight for racially equitable funding in the creative industries is what drove Kevin Osborne to set up Create Equity. Here he argues the need for Black and White leaders to work together to make it happen.

UK City of Culture competition in need of redesign

01 Sep 2021

The UK City of Culture is a DCMS success story by any standards. But, as Andrew Dixon explains, serious flaws in this year’s bidding process have been likened to “sitting an exam before you’ve read the syllabus”.

Why funders must pledge to fund equitably

13 Jul 2021

Covid, the murder of George Floyd and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement all led to an outpouring of statements committing to action on racial inequality in arts funding. Kevin Osborne’s initial optimism about that has since been tempered. 

Arts and culture needs its Euro 2020 moment

three ballet dancers performing on stage
13 Jul 2021

Ethnically diverse creative leaders are experiencing a rise in racist abuse. Amanda Parker calls for government support to kick it out in the arts and cultural sector.  

Masking for a friend

09 Jul 2021

Arts venues might lose out by mandating masks and other Covid-19 mitigations but it's the only socially responsible option.

Choosing care over censorship

24 Jun 2021

The Jess de Wahls controversy has highlighted how tenuous arts organisations' solidarity with transgender people can be. 

State funding for BAME entrepreneurs

graphic of watering can watering a plant
16 Jun 2021

Can using public money to make BAME* entrepreneurs successful be in the public interest if it makes them wealthy too? Kevin Osborne sets out the challenge.

New Deal for the arts

Photo of Navajo Mural by Gerald Nailor
16 Jun 2021

The more you look at the cultural aftermath of this year of lockdowns, the clearer it becomes that current thinking around arts funding is a missed opportunity, Anthony Sargent writes.

Time's up for conservatoire culture

A theatre workshop in which students rush at a young person seated on the ground
09 Jun 2021

Drama schools would do well to interrogate their practices and culture now before the calls for reform begin.


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