Don’t let your marketers head for the exit door

Man holding box of possessions leaving an office with colleagues
26 Jun 2024

A survey of arts and cultural marketers reveals a growing sense of unfairness around pay and working conditions. Matt Ecclestone has the details.

Local museums are much loved, but their future is uncertain

Children viewing an exhibit in a museum
13 Jun 2024

A new report into the challenges facing the museum and gallery sector has just been published. Rachael Browning outlines its key findings and the policy recommendations emerging from it.

Census data 'a goldmine' for cultural policymakers

Census 2021 leaflets
15 May 2024

Cultural policy makers have not focused much on census data in the past, but that data is a goldmine for researchers, says Mark Taylor.

Creating space for collective learning

Performers on a stage looking up at multiple spotlights
09 May 2024

Evaluation reports in the cultural sector can be packed full of learning. Emma McDowell explores how we might unearth this existing knowledge.

Has beauty become a dirty word?

14 Dec 2023

Artist Sarah Hunter, physicist Rox Middleton and philosopher Lucy Tomlinson spotlight what they learnt from spending a year exploring the cultural value of beauty. 

New funding landscape for the arts

East London youth dance company
30 Nov 2023

Impact investment is an ideal partner for the arts sector where taking creative risks, experimentation and imagination are second nature, writes Fran Sanderson

Digital modelling centre for heritage sector to launch

01 Oct 2024

A new £1m digital modelling and analysis centre for the conservation and heritage science sector will open next year, it has been announced.

Heritage organisations will be able to bring artefacts to the centre based at Manchester Metropolitan University's PrintCity, where a range of imaging, scanning, and x-ray equipment will be used to pinpoint origins.

The centre is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the UKRI Infrastructure Fund. The university said it would be the first of its kind to provide a "one-stop shop" to access specialist techniques.

Ben Edwards, Reader in Heritage and Archaeology at Manchester Met and Centre Director, said: “We’re incredibly excited about the possibilities for this new facility. 

"For the first time ever, we want to design a low-cost model for access where community groups, volunteer archaeological societies, and staff at small museums and galleries will be able to come and get a full picture of their object, artefact or historical remains."

The centre is expected to open in late 2025.

Understanding creative health in London

a photo close up of hands drawing with coloured markers on a blank piece of paper
25 Sep 2024

This week a report* on the state of the creative health sector in London has been published. Here, its author Dr Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt presents an overview of its findings and recommendations.

Museum scheme to support early child development launches

20 Sep 2024

Museums across the UK will work on ways to use culture to support children in their early years as part of a £1m pilot programme.

Funded by Art Fund, the national charity for art, and Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good, Mini Wonders - the Early Years Innovation in Museums programme aims to support early child development and enhance parent-child interactions.

Designed for children aged between two and four-year-old, the funders say the programme will "blend creativity with well-evidenced messages and strategies to support parents with their children’s social-emotional development".

The ambition is that the research and development process will create an evidence base that will allow the work to be scaled up across the UK.

Jenny Waldman, Director of Art Fund, said: “Museums are inspiring places for children and their families in every part of the UK.

"This exciting project combines the skills and expertise of Art Fund and Nesta, along with eight museums and galleries across the UK, to harness their amazing spaces and collections in a programme designed to break down barriers to opportunity. Together, we will design a way of working that will have real impact where it’s most needed.

“The importance of foundational early-years experiences is crucial to giving the next generation the skills and experience to thrive. This programme and the recent Art Fund Museum of the Year winner, Young V&A, show how a museum can be an agent of change and inspiration to the next generation.”

Ravi Gurumurthy, Chief Executive of Nesta, said: “We are really pleased to be working with Art Fund and these eight amazing museums and galleries from across the UK on this programme.

"The environment and experiences of early childhood shape our brains and bodies, creating the building blocks of our physical, emotional and cognitive skills – but not every child gets what they need to develop during their earliest years."

Museums taking part in the programme are: Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales; Great North Museum: Hancock; Leeds Museums & Galleries; Mansfield Museum; National Galleries of Scotland; Norfolk Museums Service; Tate Britain; and Ulster Museum.

From Olympians to musicians: What sport can teach the arts

18 Sep 2024

Why are athletes praised for being elite, while the same epithet applied to musicians carries a connotation of being exclusionary? asks Michelle Robinson

Creative placemaking: The role of universities in supporting cultural and creative industries

Image of the Baltic, Gateshead
18 Sep 2024

Universities and creative industries may seem unlikely bedfellows, but their potential - in partnership - to catalyse growth should not be underestimated, write Professor Katy Shaw and Darren Henley.

Launch of Museum Data Service 'a major milestone' for culture sector

13 Sep 2024

A digital platform that will bring together more than 100 million object records from 1,750 accredited museums and other collections across the UK has launched today (13 September).

Created through a collaboration between Art UK, Collections Trust and the University of Leicester and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Museum Data Service (MDS) is a single, unified resource for researchers, educators, curators and content developers.

Allowing organisations to upload and securely manage their object records easily, MDS has been designed to be accessible for all museums, regardless of size, while making it easy for users to search and retrieve records across multiple collections and diverse databases.

The platform will also be a backup resource, especially for smaller collections lacking robust digital infrastructures.

MDS is primarily designed for institutional use and does not include images, but it allows onward users to incorporate visual content.

Its initial collection will comprise 3,129,798 records from 21 museums, with another nearly two million records in the pipeline. Art UK, the first major user of MDS, aims to double the number of artworks on the platform from 300,000 to 600,000 by the end of the year.

"The launch of the Museum Data Service is a landmark achievement for the cultural and academic sectors, offering a powerful new tool for researchers and curators," said Professor Nishan Canagarajah, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leicester. 

"By centralising millions of museum records in one accessible platform, we are not just preserving history, we are making it easier to explore, study and innovate."

Kevin Gosling, MDS Managing Director, added: “The website view of the data is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more going on in the back end, with innovative features that allow museums to manage their data securely and share it in a controlled way. Building trust across the sector is key, and the MDS is designed with that in mind.”

Professor Christopher Smith, Chair of the AHRC, said: “This major milestone in the full integration of modern technology and our rich cultural heritage will create a place where anyone can access the immense resources held by our museums.

“Not only will this open these resources up to the public in ways that would have been unimaginable even twenty years ago, but it will also enable museums to manage and share their data securely and sustainably."

UK live music sector revenue tops £6bn for first time

Audience members at a gig
12 Sep 2024

Research finds growth in total revenue for the live sector has been driven mainly by increased income from concerts.

Project to explore accessibility of immersive arts

29 Aug 2024

Researchers at Coventry University will work with a theatre company on a project aiming to make immersive arts experiences more accessible to people with learning disabilities.

The Inclusive Immersive scheme will use new technologies to develop installations and performances, which will be shown in venues across Coventry in spring 2025.

The university will partner with Coventry-based company Open Theatre, which works extensively with people with learning disabilities. It is also hoped the project will lead to new guidance for cultural organisations on immersive arts.

The scheme has received almost £50,000 from Arts Council England’s National Lottery Project Grants. 

Rachel Farrer, Associate Director of cultural and community engagement at Coventry University, said the initiative will involve “a consortium of leading organisations spanning arts, technology and research".

One organisation supporting the project is immersive media firm Hollywood Gaming, which will host sessions in its studio, as well as providing training and support to artists.

Heritage sector’s economic impact ‘difficult to quantify’ 

Visitors at the Tower of London
28 Aug 2024

A DCMS-commissioned report has recommended a new methodology for assessing the economic value of the heritage sector after a currently-used formula is deemed ‘too narrow of a definition’. 

'Museum bathing' can improve mood, study finds

28 Aug 2024

Spending time in a museum or art gallery can help people feel more relaxed, according to a Japanese study.

In June, researchers led by Izumi Ogata, a professor at Kyushu Sangyo University, measured the blood pressure, pulse rate, mood and psychological state of 41 people as they visited the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.

Participants viewed the exhibit in silence for 20 minutes, followed by 20 minutes conversing with others, with measurements taken at three stages.

The study found all the people showed lower levels of anger, fatigue, tension, confusion and depression after silently visiting the exhibition. Indicators of being in a more positive emotional state rose after the second viewing.

The experiment was the latest in an investigation that began in 2020, with more than 1,000 people and 75 museums taking part so far.

“Museum bathing has an effect on the function of activating human homeostasis,” said Ogata. “If it can be proven that even a 10- or 20-minute visit to a museum can relieve stress, it may draw in new visitors.”

Project seeks artists to tackle climate change

16 Aug 2024

Artists and creative practitioners are being invited to apply for funding to take part in an initiative to tackle climate change.

Imperial College London, working alongside partners, has up to £210,000 available for projects supporting greenhouse gas removal through the CO2RE Artists, Arts and Humanities Greenhouse Gas Removal Initiative

Applications are welcome from practitioners and academics, including artists, designers, creative technologists, practice-based academics, filmmakers, performing artists, writers, museologists, and curators.

The closing date for applications is 9 September.


Cultural heritage drives economic growth by boosting creativity

Bath, UK
15 Aug 2024

Report identifies 'tangible link' between a region's heritage, creativity and economic performance.

What have creative practices ever done for us?

Image of Grayson Perry vase
05 Aug 2024

Some humanities subjects have been declared obsolete and – by extension – useless areas of education and research. Might creative subjects become subject to the same criticism? ask Patrycja Kaszynska and Brian Ball.

Boost in live arts attendance, but regular engagement declines

Group of adults attending an art class
31 Jul 2024

Proportion of people attending arts events on a weekly basis has fallen by 10 percentage points over the last year, according to the government's Participation Survey.


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