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Arts People

SIR RICHARD HEATON KCB has been appointed Chair of the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate in Cambridge. Heaton, who is the Warden of Robinson...
Dave Murphy, middle-aged man with short dark hair
Cambridge Arts Theatre's CEO, DAVE MURPHY, is stepping down from his role after 21 years. Murphy, who joined Cambridge Arts Theatre in 2003...
Lee Henderson sits on red seats in an auditorium
LEE HENDERSON has been appointed Chief Operating Officer at Nottingham Playhouse.  Henderson will take up the newly created role at the end...
Headshot of Despina Tsatsas
The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) has appointed DESPINA TSATSAS to its new role of Executive Producer (London). Tsatsas, who joins the...
Elizabeth Newman sits in an auditorium
ELIZABETH NEWMAN will step down as Artistic Director at Pitlochry Festival Theatre (PFT) in November to take up an undisclosed leadership...

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Readers' Comments

This case has shown the need for respect and probity on both sides of a court case. Any and every court case must meet these fundamental...
The ACE has an exemplary track record in dealing with cases affected by race discrimination. It has fought hard and consistently to build...
Hi Sally, this is based on data from 2,800 arts and culture organisations across the UK. Apologies for any lack of clarity on that.
This article refers to the financial health of organisations in and across the UK, but the research presented actually seems to refer to...
The Arts Council England's review of opera, "Let's Create: Opera and Music Theatre Analysis" was commissioned in May...
ACE like all non-governmental agencies is subject to periodic review including whether it still has a unique purpose. If Debbonaire thinks...
The more important question before taking an increasing ‘skills shortage’ at face value is why?… It may not simply be lack of people taking...
Response to Arts Professional and the Stage re open letter to Mary Archer The arts should be speaking with one voice and regrettably...
Posted by Chris Hodgkins on Open letter to Dame Mary Archer
Good news. Stonewall have been providing inaccurate information in their training and information packs - focusing in the law as they would...
Thanks for all your work. The arts council is out of control with authoritarian pseudo intellectualism.

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