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Dalcroze UK

This unique 6-day residential course is for music educators (from Early Years to Conservatory level) as well as for performers, conductors, instrumental teachers, actors, dancers, community musicians and anyone who is curious to know more about the principles and practice of Dalcroze Eurhythmics.

There will be 3 levels: Newcomers to Dalcroze, Intermediate & Advanced

Newcomers to Dalcroze

Maybe you’ve heard the name Dalcroze and have an idea that it’s about understanding the language of music through movement and the use of the whole body and are curious to experience it for yourself.

Maybe you’re a classroom/instrumental teacher wanting to know how you can deepen your student’s (and your own!) understanding of music and to enrich their performances.

Maybe you are in another field of the arts, an amateur or someone who wants an opportunity simply to play in the realm of movement and sound. Maybe you’ve been on a Taster Day or attended a Zoom Café and really want to know more. This is the next step.

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