Evaluating value

Photo of choristera
13 Feb 2006

Debate about how best to justify support for the arts has evolved in recent months with the notion of cultural value. Eleonora Belfiore shares her views on it.

Censorship - A considered approach

Woman and man
04 Jul 2005

The forced closure of ‘Behzti’ last year have sent shock waves through the theatre industry and raised timely questions about censorship, freedom of speech and the importance of religion and drama in a multicultural society. Jonathan Church looks at the aftermath of the controversy.

Deafened by decibel?

Photo of graffiti - two men shouting
28 Jun 2004

Munira Mirza thinks anti-racist policies in the arts can sometimes fuel racial tensions rather than appease them.

Only Connect: a new blueprint for audience development

Boy and teddy bear on bridge
03 Jun 2002

Despite the current obsession, nobody seems to have nailed down exactly what we mean when we talk about ‘audience development’. The definitions are many; the scope for woolly thinking wide. Richard Hadley thinks it’s time to take stock.


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