Funding BAME creativity

01 Jun 2021

Kevin Osborne has long been exercised by systemic racial bias in UK arts funding. Last month he produced a panel discussion aimed at ‘digging deep’.

Coming of age

Liz Hill (left) and Brian Whitehead
24 May 2021

 'We’ve only been here because you’ve been with us': as ArtsProfessional heads into its third decade, Liz Hill reflects on what’s gone before – and what lies ahead.

BAME over - the unintended consequences

28 Apr 2021

With a Government report recommending the dropping of the term BAME, people have been challenging Kevin Osborne’s continued use of it. He remains ambivalent about the proposed change.

Beyond Culture Recovery

31 Mar 2021

The distribution of Arts Council England’s Culture Recovery Fund has attracted widespread criticism, not least from those campaigning for greater diversity. Kevin Osborne calls for urgent action.

An unacceptable truth

18 Mar 2021

To describe the past year as unprecedented is an understatement. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking anything has really changed, Liz Hill warns.

Selling collections must be subject to scrutiny

24 Feb 2021

Sharon Heal challenges a museum chair’s view that ethics are a matter of ‘emotion’.

Déjà vu over value news

Anthony Sargent
28 Jan 2021

DCMS’ new model for measuring culture’s economic value shows no understanding of how public policy has developed in recent decades, writes Anthony Sargent. Basing funding decisions on it would be "worse than bankrupt".

New horizons

Candle with a brown card label saying hope attached, christmas decorations in the background
16 Dec 2020

As we say good riddance to 2020, Liz Hill takes a glass-half-full look at progress in the cultural sector this year, and what the year ahead might hold.

A Fond Farewell to ArtsProfessional

Amanda Parker
18 Nov 2020

Amanda Parker shares her parting words as Editor of ArtsProfessional.

The sector should be scared – very scared

Stained Glass window depicting Sleeping Beauty's Fairy godmothers
06 Nov 2020

"We have now had a glimpse of what direct government funding of the arts would look like – and it’s not a pretty picture" says Liz Hill.

News Comment: Sharp actions, at pace, with respect

29 Oct 2020

UK Music has published its industry-wide ten-point plan for a diverse music ecosystem. But it’s actions, not words, that will bring about lasting change, says Ammo Talwar

Teaching music mustn’t become an exclusive career option

Man teaching a young girl to play saxophone
20 Oct 2020

By cutting bursaries for teacher training, the Department for Education will make a career in teaching an unreachable dream for some musicians, says Roz De Vile

Resilience: the responsibility of the system, not the people

Emma Janye Park leaning on a window
06 Oct 2020

An ongoing and unspoken sense of crisis has driven those working in the performing arts to accept an intolerable range of behaviours as the norm. Emma Jayne Park questions the underlying structures supporting a system that requires endless resilience simply to survive.

A failure of scholarship in the field of arts and health

05 Oct 2020

A DCMS report asserting that ‘the arts can,’ ‘music can,’ and ‘dance can’ improve arts and health includes highly flawed studies that should not be relied upon to guide policy, says Stephen Clift.

Risk versus reward

11 Sep 2020

England’s arts organisations will be asked to make decisions that affect more than people’s livelihoods.

Ventilation – How to breathe life into theatre

Leeds Playhouse
07 Aug 2020

Venue operators should be rightly angry that the Government continues to insist that social distancing is the main route to making their auditoriums safe, says Liz Hill.

Systemic funding failures: it’s time to fix the fault lines

Image of multiple dollar signs in on a black background
22 Jul 2020

To future-proof the creative sector we must root out systemic funding bias against BAME organisations, says Kevin Osborne, starting with an equitable sharing of the £1.57 billion bailout package.

Letter: Fund the ecosystem - not the select few

13 Jul 2020

If ACE only distributes the Government's support package to the organisations they have a current relationship with, then 80% of the sector will remain vulnerable and large scale venues as well as small will be at risk says Michael Ockwell.

The Other Side – what should it look like and how can we get there?

Photo of the sun rising through a forest
15 Apr 2020

As governments start to draw up plans for supporting the post-virus cultural sector, the voices of those working in it are the most important. Liz Hill introduces a new series of articles. 

Covid-19: Freelancers need our support

11 Mar 2020

Amid the hand wringing and the hand washing, let’s not forget the workforce, says Amanda Parker.


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