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A Fond Farewell to ArtsProfessional

Amanda Parker shares her parting words as Editor of ArtsProfessional.

Amanda Parker
3 min read

I'm rarely lost for words. But this year's events have generated campaigns, coverage, urgent action and deep reflection unlike any other in our living memory. 

Along with thousands of others, I was furloughed during the spring and summer. After launching ArtsProfessional's Covid Culture to ensure we all stayed connected and informed, I then had to watch wistfully from the sidelines as Liz Hill stepped into the breach, working around the clock to deliver fast, accurate and useful news at a time of urgent need. I remain in awe of her abilities. 

And like others, during lockdown I diverted my energy to advocacy, to add my voice to campaign for the survival of the sector. Inc Arts was born at around the same time I became Editor: lockdown made clear beyond all doubt (if doubt there was before) that our sector needs not just greater advocacy around inclusion, but also practical urgent action on diversifying our creative and cultural practices and workplaces. 

And there's just not enough hours in the day for me to do both. So it's with deep sadness that I step back from ArtsProfessional, to focus my energies on ensuring our cultural and creative return is inclusive to the core: with anti-racist practice in the hearts, minds and actions of all of us, so that we can create our best works: building and reflecting the communities we live in. 

I have loved every minute of my time as Editor. The team has been the best I've ever worked with and I'll miss it greatly. 

My parting shot? Subscribe. If you want to see the survival of vital, independent and relevant journalism, help ArtsProfessional weather the storm. 

Let's stay in touch – through anti-racist action, and through Inc Arts.

Amanda Parker
Editor of ArtsProfessional, April 2019 – November 2020

Amanda speaks of being lost for words – and ‘loss’ is, for us, the word of the year. Losing staff is the worst of it all, and we will so miss her. She has flown a flag for AP wherever she has gone and has taken us in new directions, opened new doors and extended our vision for the future. Her determination and skills will ensure that Inc Arts has a huge impact in the years ahead and we warmly wish her well in this vital venture. Thank you Amanda. 
Liz Hill, Director