Open letter to Dame Mary Archer

Let's Create image
20 May 2024

Representatives from across the cultural sector have written an open letter to Dame Mary Archer, who is due to chair the government's Public Body Review of Arts Council England.

Call for more joined-up thinking in music education

ISM demonstration outside Department for Education
01 May 2024

The decimation of arts education has hit the music sector particularly hard. Deborah Annetts of the Independent Society of Musicians calls on government departments to work together to stop the decline.

Let's get smart about paying artists

Image of 'stoned fox'
26 Apr 2024

To mark World Intellectual Property Day, Adele Morse thinks it’s time the UK caught up with other countries in paying its artists fairly. 

A cultural revolution in the arts

Image of three faces with mouths taped closed
24 Apr 2024

Co-Founder of Freedom in the Arts, Rosie Kay, thinks the arts in the UK have strayed into a culture of intolerance, which has led to cancellation and a climate of self-censorship that has to be addressed. 

The race for London’s City Hall

Image of autin dance theatre
24 Apr 2024

Voters across England go to the polls next week (2 May) to elect many thousands of new councillors and 10 metro mayors – one of them being the Mayor of London. Phoebe Gardiner outlines what mayoral hopefuls need to understand about the capital’s culture.

Time for a national youth arts trust?

Teenagers in an art class
18 Apr 2024

There has been a massive decline in arts for young people over the last 15 years. So much so that Joe Hallgarten thinks we need a dedicated national organisation to repair the damage. The current review of ACE might provide an opportunity.

Earnings should not dictate policy on creative subjects

Ballet dancers on stage
16 Apr 2024

A blog post by a former government adviser has called for a cap on the number of students studying creative subjects. Orian Brook thinks the figures used to justify this argument misrepresent creative graduates’ earning power and contribution.

Artistic freedom: Threats and challenges

Image of Toomaj Salehi
10 Apr 2024

Artistic freedom is an increasingly contested area of public discourse. But as Ruth Anderson of Index on Censorship argues, while she might not agree with what is expressed, she defends the right to do so.

Arts Council England: What is to be done?

Image of Lenin
09 Apr 2024

Andrew Pinnock, a former Arts Council officer, thinks it’s time for an honest review of our national development agency for creativity and culture, based on truthful foundations.

A brighter future for entrepreneurs and opportunity-seekers

Abstract image of signal and noise
08 Apr 2024

Now more than ever it’s important to focus on the things that really matter, to free ourselves of distractions and to identify earned income opportunities, says Robin Cantrill-Fenwick.

The Watermill: Life outside the National Portfolio

Watermill theatre
18 Mar 2024

A year after losing ACE funding, Berkshire's Watermill Theatre has had some sweet successes. Executive Director and Joint Chief Executive Claire Murray charts the downs and ups of a rollercoaster year. 

Radical intervention required

Panel discussion at Creative UK summit
13 Mar 2024

The cultural sector welcomed last week’s Spring Budget but, as Lara Carmona writes, not being able to leverage public investment at the scale needed is like having your best player benched indefinitely.

Call for Chancellor to support theatre sector

Palladium stage
29 Feb 2024

Ahead of next week's Spring Budget, Claire Walker, Co-Chief Executive of Society of London Theatre & UK Theatre, is calling on the Chancellor for renewed investment to sustain the UK's world-leading theatre sector.

'In Wales we need to be creative like never before'

Graeme Farrow in front of Wales Millennium Centre
28 Feb 2024

Recent Welsh government budget cuts have created new fears across the creative sector about the impact on our communities, writes Graeme Farrow.

Will the restoration of Stormont benefit the arts in Northern Ireland?

Production shot from Agreement by Owen McCafferty
20 Feb 2024

With the return of devolved government to Northern Ireland, Roisín McDonough, Chief Executive of Arts Council Northern Ireland, reflects on what it might mean for the arts and cultural sector. 

Programming, price, people and the pendulum of power

Confetti party
20 Feb 2024

If price has lost its power, what does that mean for arts organisations who continue to face financial challenges with increased costs and reduced demand, asks David Reece.  

Local authorities need the cultural sector's support

13 Feb 2024

With many councils across the country on the verge of bankruptcy, cultural services are under threat. Councillor Liz Green, Chair of LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport board, says we need to do things differently.

In defence of trigger warnings

Sign saying: Trigger Warning - Explicit Content
12 Feb 2024

The colossal efforts to advance and champion diversity and accessibility in the sector are undermined by negative press criticising the use trigger warnings before shows. But, as Fiona Moon argues, they should be viewed no differently from accessible seats or toilets. 

The shifting world of arts comms

Graphic showing the letters PR
08 Feb 2024

For the past two years, Mobius Industries has run a survey to take the temperature of arts PR. As Emma Berge reports, the results reveal widespread concern about the shrinkage of arts coverage. 

We need a global standard to protect artists’ rights

Image of artwork in two panels
06 Feb 2024

The results of a recent survey on AI and artists’ work reveal serious anxieties. Artist Adelaide Damoah calls on government to act to safeguard artists’ rights.


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