Tax and giving: putting donors first

31 Oct 2011

In the second of two articles on initiatives for stimulating fundraising in the cultural sector, Javier Stanziola looks at tax incentives

When even the artists don’t see

31 Oct 2011

Consumerist capitalism has captured minds and reduced hearts, but what is the alternative, and how will artists contribute to a re-imagined society? Pat Kane, Alexandra Higgins and Matthew Taylor stoke up the debate.

No more excuses

31 Oct 2011

The rationale for making environmental sustainability a strategic priority, and the resources to help do it, are all available now. It’s time to take action, says Sholeh Johnson

A laughing matter

31 Oct 2011

Anna Peavitt describes Leicester Comedy Festival’s attempt to reduce carbon emissions and encourage the wider comedy industry to act greener

Starting young

31 Oct 2011

Environmental awareness is at the heart of the primary curriculum in schools. Ross Harvie explains how Proteus Theatre responded to that

Small steps – big rewards

31 Oct 2011

The Theatres Trust is in the second year of a project helping 48 small- to medium-sized performing arts venues across London improve their environmental performance. Tim Atkinson reports on findings so far

From values to actions

31 Oct 2011

In our quest for sustainability, some of our actions have been distinctly counter-productive, claims Nadine Andrews

Leading by example

31 Oct 2011

Ben Twist examines the impact that Edinburgh’s Festivals are having on the attitudes and behaviour of its audiences and its artists

Emerging concerns

31 Oct 2011

Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales, an independent not-for-profit company, is working closely with the Welsh Government to promote understanding of and action on Sustainable Development

Greening the screen

31 Oct 2011

Hosting the inaugural UK Green Film Festivals seemed like a natural way of showcasing the environmental work that has been going on behind the scenes at Glasgow Film Theatre. Rachael Loughlan explains.

On your bike

31 Oct 2011

Margaret Jones describes Sherman Cymru’s crusade to put walking, cycling and public transport at the heart of its efforts to save the planet.

Smoke and mirrors

10 Oct 2011

The Scottish Government’s Spending Review and Draft Budget for 2012/13 contains some difficult news for the arts, both directly and indirectly. Anne Bonnar delves into the detail

Better believe it

10 Oct 2011

Julia Farrington argues that we need better support for courageous and controversial artists, or risk losing them and their art

Live and kicking

10 Oct 2011

Live events online – particularly live cultural events – are becoming increasingly popular with audiences around the world, and the Roundhouse is at the forefront of this trend. Conor Roche shares their experiences

A dramatic approach to job hunting

10 Oct 2011

As a vehicle for building confidence and skills, the arts have a lot to offer to those looking for a job. Lizzie Carter describes a project that did just that

Good on paper, bad in practice

10 Oct 2011

In the first of a two articles looking at policy initiatives for stimulating fundraising in the cultural sector, Javier Stanziola critiques the match-funding approach

Presenting the mystery

10 Oct 2011

The relationship between the arts and science has evolved over the last decade and a half. Rosie Tooby looks to the future of this interdisciplinary practice

Just for the record

10 Oct 2011

Record keeping is not the topic that sets most pulses racing, but Mahmood Reza explains why it’s important to keep abreast of HMRC’s current and future thinking on accounting and tax records

Breathing space

10 Oct 2011

An empathetic scientist can act as a provocateur, editor, lecturer and confidant in devised theatre. Jack Lowe explains


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