Mediate or litigate?

19 Sep 2011

In the second part of her exploration of conflict resolution, Carolyn Graham looks at the role of mediation in resolving disputes without going to court

Cover your assets

19 Sep 2011

Benjamin Futerman and Tim Maxwell consider the impact of damage to works of art and how to protect artwork financially, physically and legally

A cultural entitlement

29 Aug 2011

Jeremy Newton argues that arts education should not be left by the wayside as the curriculum is overhauled

Not an add-on

29 Aug 2011

Creative Partnerships is about to end. Naranee Ruthra-Rajan shares some thoughts about what its Change Schools programme has achieved

Enter stage right

29 Aug 2011

Alison Warren describes her experience of being teacher-in-residence in a theatre

Uncharted territory

29 Aug 2011

Daniel Jones on the education projects around Plymouth’s first ever British Art Show

Making it ‘stick’

29 Aug 2011

Chris Thompson on embodied learning and effective education

Get recognition

29 Aug 2011

Alice Young thinks that young people want to take part, want to learn and demand excellent delivery

School ties

29 Aug 2011

Fran King and Anne-Marie Clark on an education project in Plymouth that aims to demystify theatre

Game on

29 Aug 2011

Robert Marsden on one theatre company’s work to combat extremism and foster community

Fun and Games

29 Aug 2011

Steve Moffitt on an arts education project working to engage young people with the Olympic Games

Finders keepers?

29 Aug 2011

Art Asia’s experience of the high-profile funding scheme Find Your Talent typifies the journey of many arts organisations as the recession begins to bite, writes Helen Keall

Diverse future

29 Aug 2011

Tony Panayiotou looks at what the ACE’s new policy will do to increase diversity in the arts

For art’s sake?

29 Aug 2011

Stephen Hetherington looks at how New Labour’s approach to culture twinned it with economic benefits and social policy

Artistic licence

29 Aug 2011

Licensing your art for commercial use is not for everyone, but Mainda Kiwelu believes that, used properly, it can open up revenue streams and new audiences

Walk or talk?

29 Aug 2011

Mediation can play a big role in resolving workplace conflict, says Carolyn Graham, in the first of two pieces on the subject

Zoom in

29 Aug 2011

Martin Vogel explains how focusing on the essentials of your organisation can help clarify what you are doing, and why


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