Breaking bread

27 Feb 2012

Natalie Wilson outlines a new schools touring strategy based on collaboration

Expanding horizons

27 Feb 2012

Hayward Touring takes work by hot contemporary artists into the UK’s cultural ‘cold spots’. Roger Malbert explains what goes on behind the scenes

Inspired by Ireland

27 Feb 2012

Anna Franks celebrates the art of an ‘invisible’ white minority

The phoenix rises

06 Feb 2012

In his recent AP blog, David Dixon asked who is supporting arts fundraisers now that Arts & Business is going…. But A&B isn’t going. Philip Spedding explains

A charitable dilemma

06 Feb 2012

Should an arts organisation apply to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation? Peter Shand weighs up the pros and cons

Strength in numbers

06 Feb 2012

Scotland has more in common with Philadelphia than we might think. Pamela Bailey shares the fruits of US-style collaboration

Inspiring hospitality

06 Feb 2012

Jo Rodger shares the secrets of a successful corporate hospitality programme at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Tapping into cultural tourism

06 Feb 2012

Culture can play an important role in motivating people to make a visit. Lorna Easton explains how arts organisations can make the most of the opportunities this presents.

Travelling companions

06 Feb 2012

The Friends of the Royal Academy work with travel company Cox & Kings to offer a unique benefit to their members. Philip Hamilton-Grierson explains how it works

Connecting with tourists

06 Feb 2012

Otto Gumaelius describes a mobile opportunity for reaching the cultural tourist

Playing the long game

06 Feb 2012

Jane Packham and Rachael Roe are optimistic about the longer-term tourism potential of the 2012 Olympics

Mutual benefits

06 Feb 2012

By coordinating partnerships between the cultural and tourism sectors, aka is growing both industries. Alain Airth explains how

Hip-op to hip-hop

06 Feb 2012

Pavilion Dance harnessed a booming summer tourist market to help make a place for itself on an emerging cultural scene. Jo O’Connell tells all

Augmentation optional

06 Feb 2012

The artz trail is taking art out of the gallery and onto the streets of Brighton. Nick Dunn explains the technology behind the project

Grab that tourist

06 Feb 2012

New Brewery Arts won the Silver Retail Tourism Prize at the Cotswold Tourism Awards. Ali Russell describes her strategy

Live and kicking

06 Feb 2012

Presenting venues will no longer need a local authority licence to put on a live music gig for an audience of 200 or fewer. Deborah Annetts celebrates the culmination of a campaign against bureaucracy

Everybody needs good neighbours

16 Jan 2012

Gavin Barlow explains why forming partnerships and sharing expertise is key to community regeneration

Mobile marketing

16 Jan 2012

North Tyneside Council is exploring ways of using mobile technology as a tool for promoting cultural events. Kevin Wallace explains.

Change: the only certain thing

16 Jan 2012

Web 2.0 has changed the face of the Internet. Katie Moffat investigates how new media is transforming arts journalism now that everyone is a critic

The customer experience is king

16 Jan 2012

What is customer service? And how do you know when you’ve received good customer service, as opposed to just standard, middle-of-the-road customer service? Diana Barden makes some suggestions


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