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The UK is failing to make the most of investment opportunities in the creative sector, writes Peter Bazalgette, Co-Chair of the Creative Industries Council. 

Britain has a Rip van Winkle economy. While we’re being offered a rich smorgasbord of policy promises during this election, we know that the only way to deliver on even half of them is to achieve better growth. The creative industries will be part of the solution. The last government made us a priority sector for growth, and we repaid that judgment by bouncing dramatically back from Covid.

The creative sector now accounts for around 6 per cent of the UK’s goods and services and employs 2.3mn people. And sitting at the heart of the digital economy there is so much more we can deliver, given the right policies: revolutionary games software, immersive screen production, AI in advertising, fashion’s 3D printing, “createch” spinouts from universities. Now, here comes the “but”... Read more on The Financial Times.