ACE defends Culture Recovery Fund distribution

23 Apr 2021

Serota and Henley told MPs they could not have handled the emergency funding response any better, failing to acknowledge the lack of support for freelancers.

50% of comedy workers have lost half their income, survey suggests

Secret Comedy Podcast at Edinburgh Fringe 2013
19 Apr 2021

Comedians are making just 5% of their pre-pandemic income from streamed shows while half of off-stage workers have no live gigs booked, raising questions about the industry's survival.

Challenging the norms of dance

Someone mid-dance in a leotard kneeling on the floor
24 Mar 2021

Grace Nicol wants to redefine how we make dance to support more risky work. The answer, she thinks, lies in greater pastoral care.

Arts remain at 'epicentre of the crisis' a year after lockdown

19 Mar 2021

Freelancers, young people, women and live performance art forms have been disproportionately affected by a year of lockdowns. Extended financial support may not be enough. 

An unacceptable truth

18 Mar 2021

To describe the past year as unprecedented is an understatement. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking anything has really changed, Liz Hill warns.

Acting is an emotional assault

Richard Blackwood in Typical
17 Mar 2021

Wabriya King was told she had to be tough to be an actress. It’s not her who needed to change, she writes.

'Mental health crisis' among musicians is worsening, charity warns

10 Mar 2021

Even with a light at the end of the lockdown tunnel, musicians' mental health is suffering due to "substantial uncertainty around how quickly the music industry can recover".

One candle can light the next

24 Feb 2021

When her work was erased, Tori Allen-Martin took action to make sure it didn’t happen to anyone else. It’s turned into so much more, she writes.

The difference between recovery and survival

Isabel Lewis, the occasion of an afternoon at Palmhuset, for Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, 2015. Image by Attila Urban
17 Feb 2021

Moira Jeffrey writes that the fight to survive is a reality we cannot ignore. Focussing on that alone will lead to “erosion and obsolescence”.

A moral failure in cultural policy

A girl looking at picture they've taken on a camera
17 Feb 2021

Underpaid artists have become caretakers for communities that commissioners want to say they’re supporting. Eleonora Belfiore asks: whose responsibility is it to push for the change we so desperately need?

Including the excluded

Screenshot of a virtual choir
10 Feb 2021

Sonali Joshi says parity in support for the self-employed is the vital ingredient for a positive future.

One story is not enough

A man holding a photo with a woman in the background
02 Feb 2021

Middle Eastern and North African arts professionals have been all but invisible in the UK. It's time to find our voice, take ownership of the narrative, and change how the industry sees us, writes Sepy Baghaei

Volunteers keep creativity alive

A group of people working on floral displays
02 Feb 2021

The creative activity that thrives in everyday society is often the most overlooked and unsupported, writes Robin Simpson. Here’s how you can help.

Northern Irish arts sector left in limbo as funding is delayed

01 Feb 2021

Organisations clamouring for support have released a five-point recovery plan amid a projected £16m funding shortfall.

Shock and anger as PRS announces streaming licences

27 Jan 2021

The music industry is furious after steep new tarrifs on streaming live events were introduced with little to no consultation.

10 ways you can help creative freelancers

27 Jan 2021

Freelancers share what organisations can do to help them throughout the current crisis and beyond. 

Supporting freelancers would be 'relatively cheap'

26 Jan 2021

A year's worth of income support payments for arts sector freelancers would cost an estimated £880m – less than 1% of the subsidy bill to date.

Theatre freelancer spend could fall by two thirds

12 Jan 2021

With plans to resume activity at a standstill, freelancers face an uphill climb that could scar the theatre industry.

Fears build over immigration rules for incoming artists

08 Jan 2021

Complex rules, higher costs and visa requirements are set to place new barriers to EU artists working in the UK, even for short-term contracts or single gigs. 

Brexit deal leaves artists out in the cold

Departure board in Germany
07 Jan 2021

European touring is under threat as the cost and logistics of taking performances to EU countries will pose "significant challenges" for everyone from individual artists to major national companies.


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