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Headshot of David Bryan

DAVID BRYAN CBE has announced he is to step down as Chair of Creative Lives (formerly Voluntary Arts) in November this year, after seven years in post.

A management consultant in the voluntary and public sectors for over 30 years, Bryan is also Chair of Battersea Arts Centre and Brixton House, and is a Director of Dunraven (School) Educational Trust.

He was recently appointed to the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm by the Mayor of London.

Previously, Bryant was a member of Arts Council England's national council. He has also worked in academia, lecturing on Management Studies at Goldsmith College, University of London, and Arts Leadership at Birkbeck College and King’s College London.

David was awarded a CBE in the Queens Birthday Honours List 2021 for services to the arts. A recruitment campaign to find a successor in now underway.

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