From closure to creation

Photo of Truro Cathedral concert
10 Sep 2015

Since Cornwall Council closed its schools music service, an independent service has emerged that is no longer at the mercy of politicians, writes Gareth Churcher.

Mission made possible

Photo of Music Mix concert
10 Sep 2015

Partnerships with local authories are crucial to Orchestras Live’s work. Henry Little reveals how they’ve maintained relationships through challenging economic times.

Repositioning a service

Photo of Infinity Box at Turner Contemporary
10 Sep 2015

Tony Witton reports on the changes Kent County Council’s arts and culture service has made since asked to find new ways to pay for itself.

Social capital in practice

Photo of beach at De La Warr Pavilion
10 Sep 2015

Has East Sussex County Council achieved the unachievable? Sally Staples reveals how, through a social capital study of De La Warr Pavilion, it unearthed a way to describe the intangible value culture.

Going it alone

Photo of award-winning group
10 Sep 2015

Dorset's local authority arts service has just made the complex transition to a public service mutual. Lindsay Harrod shares the issues they faced and the benefits they are now reaping.

What should we be doing?

Photo of dancer in library
10 Sep 2015

Public sector finances are not going to change any time soon, so we need to act to make sure efforts to bring arts and culture to those who don’t currently engage isn’t pushed off the agenda, says Jane Wilson

Theatres report drop in schools work

Photo of a puppet
21 Aug 2015

Budget cuts, the introduction of the EBacc and mass academisation of schools has created a “perfect storm” for theatre companies working with young people, sector figures warn.

Council gave NPO three-week warning of 100% funding cut

Photo of Salisbury Arts Centre
20 Aug 2015

Wiltshire Council has been slammed as “grossly unfair” in its handling of arts funding cuts to Salisbury Arts Centre.

Report offers guidance for London boroughs facing further arts cuts

Millenium Bridge night
30 Jul 2015

Ranging from acting as a critical friend to champion of the arts, a report by London Councils offers specific recommendations on how local authorities can fill the gap left by falling funding.

More collaboration needed to safeguard Welsh music services

10 Jul 2015

With Wales set to revamp its education policy and bring the arts to the heart of its school curriculum, an opportunity exists to safeguard and extend Welsh national music service provision.

Cuts prompt new ways of working in local authorities

Child book wizard
05 Jun 2015

Research into the impact of local government cuts on cultural activity has found sports and libraries face heavier cuts than the arts.

Arts support by London councils falters

Photo of an aerial performance
20 Mar 2015

Cuts and restructures have damaged relationships between arts organisations and local authorities, with community organisations and artists finding support harder to come by. 

A commissioner’s views on priorities and opportunities

Photo of a session of the Dance for Parkinson’s project
19 Mar 2015

Linden Rowley interviews Christian Markandu about the priorities for his commissioning service and the opportunities for arts and cultural organisations of all sizes.

When the cold, hard cash runs out

Image of filming of 'traceurs' in Westminster
02 Feb 2015

Guy Nicholson shares his views on the changing role of local government in supporting London’s arts and culture.

Funding situation is “critical”, say Core Cities

Photo of Manchester city
09 Jan 2015

Local authorities in the UK’s largest cities are calling for a fairer share of government arts funding and devolution of cultural budgets to regional cultural capitals, warning that they will be concentrating their own resources on statutory services.

EXCLUSIVE: London authorities fail to pull their weight

Photo of Middlesbrough
28 Nov 2014

London’s boroughs are relying on Arts Council England to make good a shortfall in their own arts funding relative to local authorities across the rest of England.

NAO reveals the impact of Council cuts

Queen's Theatre Hornchurch
20 Nov 2014

Cultural services have seen bigger cuts than social care but are not the worst affected, according to a National Audit Office report.

Wales fears the impact of council cuts

Photo of a young girl drawing
11 Nov 2014

It is becoming increasingly less likely that culture and arts services will be able to play a meaningful part in delivering the Government’s ambition of tackling poverty and promoting social justice, the Welsh Local Government Association has warned.

Regional funding imbalance “must be urgently rectified”

Aerial view of London
05 Nov 2014

Greater fairness in Lottery funding would help to redress the wider geographic arts funding imbalance that sees London benefit “out of all proportion to its population”, says Select Committee.

Save our music libraries

Image of pianist in library
03 Nov 2014

Local authority cuts mean that some libraries are no longer lending music scores to amateur groups. Barbara Eifler explains why she is campaigning to restore this valuable service.


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