Wasted youth

Man holding skateboard
13 Sep 2018

Laura Bailey explains how Kent County Council is aiming to integrate arts and culture into its commissioned services across the board - even in waste management.

Local authority culture budgets down £48m in 5 years

Photo of Roman baths
27 Jul 2018

Cultural spend has been reallocated or cut to zero at four more councils this year, and some local authorities are turning a profit through culture and heritage.

Brexit voters more likely to shun the arts, research finds

Image of graph
11 Jul 2018

Arts and museum attendance are higher predictors of Remain voting than arts participation and library usage, both of which are less associated with voting to stay in the European Union.

Dave Moutrey appointed Director of Culture for Manchester

Photo of Dave Moutrey
01 Jun 2018

The Director of HOME hopes to make Manchester a ‘sticky city’ and to collaborate with Mayor Andy Burnham on integrating culture into healthcare, housing and transport agendas.

UK arts councils launch cultural cities enquiry

Photo of creative city
18 Apr 2018

A call out for evidence seeks submissions on how planning, tax and fundraising reform could support arts organisations to become more sustainable.

The elusiveness of everyday culture

Photo of busker by National Gallery sign
12 Apr 2018

What – or who – needs to change to achieve cultural democracy and how can we remove the tension between official and everyday culture, asks Martin Cox.

New cultural venues for Bradford and Blackpool

Photo of the exterior of Bradford Odeon
29 Mar 2018

The Government’s £15m Northern Cultural Regeneration Fund has awarded grants to three major capital projects in the North of England.

The benefits of business support

Photo of three women writing at a table
18 Jan 2018

Librarians in a London Borough have developed a more commercial mindset and the CEO of a crafts gallery is more confident to approach prospective funders, both as a result of the Prosper business support programme. Bethan Hall Williams explains.

How to… get funding and support from your local council

Production shot of performance
20 Dec 2017

When is it the right time to approach a council with your idea for an arts project? And what support can you expect to receive? Arts Development Officer Akua Obeng-Frimpong offers her wisdom.

London to get ten ‘Creative Enterprise Zones’ in £5m scheme

Photo of street art
15 Dec 2017

Ten London boroughs will each receive £50k to create permanent affordable creative workspaces and provide support for artists and creative businesses.

Bristol ploughs ahead with arts cuts

Light installation at Watershed
06 Dec 2017

Bristol Old Vic has lost 65% of its council funding but 13 arts organisations will receive core funding for the first time.

Arrested development: a region losing its arts officers

Photo of a wrapped sculpture
16 Nov 2017

As the infrastructure of local authority arts provision starts to crack under the strain of funding cuts, Christy Romer examines the ripple effect across Norfolk.

How much hope should we put in trusts and foundations?

Photo of woman
02 Nov 2017

With local authority arts funding slumping, are trusts and foundations picking up the bill? Christy Romer assesses a landscape under strain.

Why a council pulled the plug on a £17m arts centre

Photo of exterior of the arts centre
26 Oct 2017

What lessons can be learned from Harrow Arts Centre about the complex and risky business of moving arts services into independent trusts? Christy Romer investigates how a dream turned sour.

Grassroots arts suffering most under local authority cuts

Photo of women dancing covering their faces
18 Oct 2017

A survey of arts workers has revealed the strains funding cuts are putting on the sector and shown that many local authorities are yet to be convinced of the value of arts and culture. 

Local authority arts cuts: Optimism can only take us so far

Photo of jenga
18 Oct 2017

Arts organisations are resourceful, collaborative, entrepreneurial and imaginative, but we must recognise that the long-term decline in public funding will eventually topple a generation. Christy Romer introduces AP’s latest feature series on ‘Local authority arts cuts’.

Pulse report: Local authority arts funding – what should be done?

Photo of spinning wind toys
18 Oct 2017

As budgets tighten, many local authorities feel they have little choice but to cut spending on arts and culture. But how is the sector reacting and what should be done to help mitigate the damage? Frances Richens shares the findings of ArtsProfessional’s latest Pulse survey.

Arts Council joins forces with London authorities to promote culture in the capital

Man painting
13 Oct 2017

The shared commitment to extending access to arts and culture comes as London Mayor Sadiq Khan begins a review into the supply of artist workspace.

An artist in residence for every ward in Glasgow

Photo of spaceman mural
15 Sep 2017

At a Culture Summit this week, Councillor David McDonald outlined how the city’s new government would deliver the SNP’s manifesto commitments around arts and culture. 

Theatres and galleries key to ‘24-hour vision for London’

Photo of Tate Modern exterior at night
28 Jul 2017

Mayor Sadiq Khan hopes to make the capital’s nightlife about more than just pubs and clubs.


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