NFTs have led to widespread copyright infringements

11 Oct 2023

The Culture, Media and Sport (CMS) Committee has urged government to work with non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces to address the scale of copyright infringement in the art world.

In the committee’s latest report, NFTs and the Blockchain: the risks to sport and culture, published today (11 October), the cross-party group of MPs note that, while NFT sales may have peaked last year, their emergence has led to the risk of widespread copyright infringement.

The report explains creators' rights have been infringed in cases where work has been made available as an NFT without permission. 

The process of having copied work taken down has proved time consuming and difficult for artists, compared with the ease with which NFTs can be minted.

In the report, the committee recommends government engages with NFT marketplaces to address the scale of infringement and enable copyright holders to enforce their rights.

It says government should work to introduce a code of conduct for online marketplaces operating in the UK - including NFT marketplaces - that protects creators, consumers and sellers.

CMS Committee Chair Caroline Dinenage said: “Traditional regulatory regimes have failed to protect both creatives and consumers caught up in the volatile new crypto world.

“Artists are at risk of seeing the fruits of their hard work pinched and promoted without permission while fraudulent and misleading adverts add an extra layer of jeopardy for investors involved in what is already an inherently risky business,” she explained.

“The government must make sure that everyone in the crypto chain is working to properly protect consumers and the rights of creators.”

The committee’s report also highlights NFTs and blockchains as having unique potential applications in arts and culture, such as encouraging artists to develop digital skills or creating new markets for artworks.

Scores of NPOs yet to register for Illuminate

The PricewaterhouseCoopers logo hanging from the side of a building
05 Oct 2023

More than 50 National Portfolio Organisations miss deadline imposed by Arts Council England to register with new data platform that has been beset by delays and glitches.

Democratising theatre with VR

Gemma and Kelman Greig-Kicks - Gemma wearing a VR headset
02 Oct 2023

Kelman and Gemma Greig-Kicks are on a mission to use virtual reality technology to democratise theatre and provide new income streams for creators.

Recruiting for digital

A group of colleagues gathered round a table
25 Sep 2023

Recruiting for digital roles is tricky, which is understandable given cultural organisations have not traditionally had to hire for these skills. Ash Mann shares his experience of rethinking the structure and roles of digital teams. 

Creative industries: £35m fund seeks to drive growth

A man and woman wearing virtual reality headsets
25 Sep 2023

Money will be invested in creative businesses across the UK in order to meet government targets to boost value of the sector by £50bn over next seven years.

Supporting freelancers to develop digital skills

Three people shown training on computer screens
20 Sep 2023

With digital technologies developing at pace, freelancers need to develop their skills throughout their careers. Rob Lindsay outlines the support The Space provides to freelancers across the sector.

Majority of heritage sector yet to utilise AI

Arundel Castle, West Sussex, England as seen from a light aircraft.
18 Sep 2023

Latest Heritage Pulse survey finds almost two thirds of heritage organisations are yet to consider how they might use AI in the future.

Digital marketing for arts sector beginners

A person pointing at a whiteboard which reads 'digital marketing?'.
06 Sep 2023

Whether you’re new to digital marketing or have been bluffing your way through for a while, Lauren James has put together a beginners' guide to help you get stuck in.

Scrap AI copyright exemption to protect creatives, say MPs

A person using a mixing desk
30 Aug 2023

Report from Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee says government must “regain the trust” of the creative industries and defend the interests of creatives amid the growing influence of AI.

Edinburgh Fringe programme grows to second largest ever

03 Aug 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is set to present the second-biggest programme in its history after an influx of last-minute additions.

Despite fears that performers would be “priced out” by the high cost of accommodation in the Scottish city, the festival, which begins on Friday (4 August) is set to feature more than 3,600 shows, the second-largest number in its 76-year history.

More than 600 productions and 28 new venues have been added to the official programme since its initial publication in June.

Concerns around accommodation were raised in the run-up to the event after 87% of artists polled following last year’s festival said they felt that the affordability of accommodation and living costs in Edinburgh in August would be a barrier to future participation. 

But an increased amount of student housing made available for this year’s event, coupled with deals agreed with venue operators, is thought to have helped reign in prices, the Scotsman reported.

The flurry of late bookings is partially attributed to the return of the official Fringe app, which was not used at last year’s festival, creating less reliance on inclusion in this year’s printed programme.

The app, launched on July 11, has been downloaded more than 21,000 times.

“We always say that we don’t judge the success of the Fringe by the number of shows that are on,” said Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Fringe Society.

“For us, that’s more about people actually seeing and supporting work, audiences connecting with shows and artists having a positive experience in Edinburgh.”

Lyndsey Jackson, the society’s Deputy Chief Executive said that “signs are positive and ticket sales are going well”.

“They are definitely ahead of this time last year and people are seeing audiences from 2019. Venues are broadly indicating the same,” she said.

Jewish Museum London closes its doors

31 Jul 2023

The Jewish Museum in London has closed its current site in Camden as part of plans to sell the building and reopen in a new location.

Trustees of the museum, which receives £224,000 a year from Arts Council England (ACE) as part of the National Portfolio for 2023-26 announced the plans in early June. 

It hopes to reopen in a larger new home within the next five years.

Nick Viner, chair of trustees, told the BBC: "It's been an incredibly tough decision, but the museum has always found it difficult to be financially sustainable even though it's had some huge success with exhibitions.

"We are planning to do several temporary displays in London and beyond all whilst we think about how we can engage communities online with our collections."

Three-fold increase in theatre roles with digital remit

Camera on theatre set.
17 Jul 2023

A cross-European study of digital theatre production before and during the pandemic reveals steep rise in roles with a digital remit since 2019. 

The arts and emerging technology

Performance of Golem. Person in clown makeup alongside 'Golem' – a creature crafted from clay. They are both stood on stage.
28 Jun 2023

Catherine Allen’s expertise spans augmented and virtual reality, including the development of the immersive sector. Here, she outlines how the arts have always been and continue to be crucial to the development of emergent technology.

Public library projects receive £1m boost

20 Jun 2023

An initiative to increase the number of people who use public libraries has awarded £1.09 million to 27 projects across England.

The LibraryOn fund, which is supported by Arts Council England and facilitated by the British Library, was launched in March this year.

Library services and consortia were invited to apply for capital expenditure grants of between £10,000–£70,000, with the aim of making it easier for library users to access services online.

Grants have been awarded for website development, apps and virtual library tours. Other funded projects involve artificial intelligence and search engine optimisation.

Library services in Sunderland, Leicester, West Sussex and Gloucestershire are among those benefiting. 

Liz White, Head of Public Libraries and Community Engagement at the British Library, said: "We’re excited to see this grant award for library services in areas across England, balancing investment in core offers with a wide variety of opportunities for digital innovation, user research and shared learning about ways of working. 

"This reflects our north star goal to increase the number of people using public libraries and raise awareness about their enduring value and importance."

Former NPO gets funding for digital theatremaking 'laboratory'

14 Jun 2023

Theatre company curious directive has received financial backing from the Department for Culture Media and Sport to explore digital theatremaking.

The former National Portfolio Organisation, based in Norwich, was one of scores of grassroots organisations outside London to be affected by Arts Council England investment decisions for its 2023-26 investment programme.

The Stage reports that it will receive £25,000 towards a digital theatremaking 'laboratory' project that will allow creatives and the public to experiment with technologies including those that merge digital worlds with reality.

Jack Lowe, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of curious directive, said: "Since 2008 we have, in our own understated way, been committed to searching out the future of theatre-storytelling. 

"Be it Frogman (with live performance and VR) or Gastronomic (which used AR in a live theatre setting) we’ve consistently performed a sort of midwifery for digital technology in the ensemble devising theatremaking process."

"Despite this significant heritage, this is our first mainstream grant to support our exploration of digital technology and, like everything in our analogue making space in Norwich, the funds will also be used to secure resource, which will be shared with other artists."

Using data to inform content strategy

Graph showing data analytics
12 Jun 2023

Data and insights are at the heart of good business decisions but finding the time can be a challenge. Curiosity and incremental learning could be the answer, says Zosia Poulter.

Equity moves to support performers facing 'AI threat'

voice over artist working in a studio. image depicts a man wearing headphones, speaking into a microphone while doing work on his computer
08 Jun 2023

Equity says new resources will educate performers on their legal rights, and calls for government to take urgent action to regulate the use of artificial intelligence.

ACE reopens Capital Investment Programme

empty theatre auditorium
06 Jun 2023

Total of £20m available to help cultural organisations safeguard their physical and digital infrastructure for the future.

Government to set up working group on music industry pay

30 May 2023

The government has accepted the Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee’s recommendation on establishing a working group to explore issues around fair pay for creators and performers in the music industry.

The follow-up report by the committee was published in January, more than two years after it first began an inquiry into the economics of streaming.

Ministers have now agreed to the establishment of a working group to focus on fair renumeration for artists whose music is played on audio streaming services, as recommended by the committee, Music Week reported.

Chair of the CMS Select Committee Dame Caroline Dinenage said the creation of the working group “is a welcome step towards addressing the frustrations of musicians and songwriters whose pay falls far short of a fair level given their central role in the success of the music streaming industry. 

“The government must now make sure the group is more than a talking shop and leads to concrete change so the talented creators and performers we have in this country are properly rewarded for their creativity,” she added.

“The committee will be keeping a close eye on progress and also looking more widely at artist and creator remuneration to ensure everyone who works in our creative industries can share in its successes.”

The working group will be composed of representatives and experts from across the music sector and will “explore and develop industry-led actions that support fair remuneration for existing and future music creators as part of a successful and globally competitive music industry”, said former Culture Secretary John Whittingdale.

“While terms in new contracts are increasingly creator-friendly, those benefits are often not extended to creators still signed to older contracts, many of whom are paid at substantially lower royalty rates than their modern counterparts,” he wrote.

“The government wants to see a thriving music industry that delivers sustained growth in an increasingly competitive global music market alongside fair renumeration for existing and future creators. 

“We believe that these aims are complementary and that reasonable action can be taken by industry to address creators’ concerns around remuneration.” 

But Sophie Jones, Interim CEO of the BPI, expressed concerns that the working group will “disincentivise investment” in the UK’s music sector “at a time when labels are fighting hard to grow exports and protect the rights of artists in the era of AI”.

She said the effort seemed to be “at odds with the government’s ambition to grow the UK's world leading creative industries by an extra £50bn by 2030”.

“Numerous studies have demonstrated that streaming has benefited consumers and artists alike, with record labels paying more to artists than ever before,” she said.

Drama School receives £1.35m to develop immersive technologies

30 May 2023

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama has been awarded £1.35m from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to develop immersive and digital technologies.

The investment comes ahead of the launch of the school’s Performance Lab, which the schools says will “acts as a catalyst for research and development in theatre and performance in immersive performance and digital technologies”.

“Performance Lab will contribute distinctive new research to enhance the UK’s creative and cultural economy,” Central’s Head of Knowledge Exchange, Professor Bryce Lease, added.

Central School, part of the University of London, will also use the investment to upgrade existing facilities and support its work in a range of areas including sound and audio performance and digital performance training.

UKRI’s investment forms part of a £103m package supporting the higher education sector across England.


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