Young people under-represented in the arts, research finds

Photo of teens by a fountain
15 Feb 2019

Detailed information on the demographics of the creative workforce has been released for the first time in seven years.

Exclusive: Music A level denied to ever more students

A close up of a person's hand playing the guitar
01 Feb 2019

A student’s academic ability and the wealth of their parents are key indicators of the likelihood that they will get the chance to study arts subjects at A level in school, new figures reveal.

Pay crisis builds as arts workers struggle to make ends meet

A DJ outside on London's South Bank
25 Jan 2019

Across the UK, but especially in London, arts workers are considering their futures in the sector as salaries have fallen out of step with the cost of living.

Open to opportunities

The matrix code; green lettering falling down a dark background
10 Jan 2019

Sharing information openly supports innovation and helps build resilience for the good of the whole sector, argues Cimeon Ellerton.

Making the most of market forces

Photo of a standing ovation in a large theatre
10 Jan 2019

James McClure sets out five ways in which smart ticketing strategies can increase customer satisfaction as well as revenues.

How to... develop a CRM strategy

Photo of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
03 Jan 2019

How can arts organisations develop the best possible strategy for their customer relationship management and ticketing systems? Helen Dunnett suggests some steps to make the task easier.

Three into one

Photo of street art, woman hoisted on seesaw
29 Nov 2018

Three cultural organisations in Wiltshire are now under one collective umbrella, giving them the opportunity to share data and cross-promote performances and offers, says Alice Young.

‘Tech champions’ to support digital capacities of arts across England

Person working on laptop
16 Nov 2018

Arts Council England will employ nine people to each look after a region of England and provide advice and tailored digital support to organisations across the country.

A different kind of dialogue

Cartoon showing large picture in  gallery and two men
18 Oct 2018

Approaches to assessing cultural value are stuck in a financially reductionist ‘value = money’ orbit. We should be examining people’s experiences of culture, and the meaning that comes from those experiences, says Julian Meyrick.

Loss of small music venues is handing control of culture to robots, MPs told

Photo of robot
12 Oct 2018

The economic model for those performing in or running small music venues is unviable, the DCMS Committee was told.

A snapshot of older audiences

An audience including older people in a theatre auditorium
11 Oct 2018

What are the characteristics, interests and motivations of the over-65 demographic? Lucie Fitton reveals all.

The consistency illusion

A child's hand pouring paint into a palette
27 Sep 2018

The arts are important because they matter to us, and any attempts to further justify them lead to an impoverished and less human life, says Carter Gillies.

Cultural attendance on the rise in Scotland

Outside the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh
24 Sep 2018

More than nine in ten adults either attended a cultural event or place, or participated in a cultural activity in 2017.

Momentum builds for action on pay

Two people sitting on the grass in front of a tent
21 Sep 2018

Wales takes a lead as arts professionals across all the countries of the UK are urged to take part in research that will shed light on low pay and earnings in the cultural sector.

Measuring the difference you make

13 Sep 2018

Arts organisations are under growing pressure to demonstrate social impact. Emma Taylor-Collins explains how they can gain robust, high quality evidence to measure their success.

Disabled people more engaged with arts than ever, figures reveal

A group of people including a wheelchair user in an art gallery
07 Sep 2018

Data from the Government’s Taking Part survey also suggests that 2017/18 saw record levels of arts engagement in England as a whole, though changes to the questionnaire could be skewing the findings.

Using data to find the right schools

A pupil at a desk holidng a pencil
06 Sep 2018

How can an arts organisation be sure it is working with schools that represent the community? Lucie Fitton and Ashleigh Hibbins suggest combining arts, population and schools data.

Arts Council reports collapse in London arts attendance

Photo of Anthony Gormley sculpture
31 Aug 2018

Arts Council England attributes the majority of the unprecedented 16.6 million fall to a drop in exhibition visitor numbers, but has declined to give details of how it arrived at these figures.

Counting errors blamed for slump in National Portrait Gallery visitor figures

National Portrait Gallery
30 Aug 2018

The 800k drop reported between 2017 and 2018 was due to errors in technology installed by research company Ipsos Retail Performance, which also provides services for other cultural organisations in the UK.

Audience Agency opens up huge dataset

A reel of tickets
24 Aug 2018

“The largest set of aggregated data on cultural engagement anywhere in the world” is being made available for academic researchers.


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