‘Deep concern’ about UK’s creative reputation post-Brexit

Photo of dancer
29 Jan 2018

More than one in five Creative Industries Federation members say they would consider moving their business abroad if the UK and the EU reach no favourable trade deal.

The problem with competitive placemaking

Photo of man on beach with arm round sculpture
18 Jan 2018

Collaborative placemaking initiatives could be a much quicker route to regenerating coastal towns than waiting to win the city of culture crown, says Jason Jones-Hall.

How I solved… challenges of cross-venue arts programming

Photo of one of the talks
20 Dec 2017

Ruth Bretherick explains how she overcame the challenges of programming events when an exhibition split across two arts venues: one in Edinburgh, and one in Dundee.

Collaboration is key to cultural commissioning, report finds

Photo of choir singing
15 Dec 2017

Leaders in local authorities and health services have started to recognise the value of arts organisations to their agendas following a series of multi-partner collaborations. 

Education networks unite to extend cross-cultural collaboration

Photo of networks
20 Nov 2017

A new manifesto is billed as the first-ever international commitment to arts management and cultural policy education.

How I solved… challenges of cross-language collaboration

Theo Solomon in Suzy Storck
13 Nov 2017

Communicating ideas clearly and maintaining artistic integrity can be difficult in any collaboration – let alone one that straddles language barriers. Ellen McDougall explains how the Gate Theatre overcame these challenges for its latest co-production.

Business districts encouraged to partner with cultural sector

10 Nov 2017

Culture is the perfect vehicle to engage people in conversations about heritage and local identity, a new report concludes.

Collaborations between arts and academia benefit all

Kew Gardens
27 Oct 2017

A national assessment of UK research has found partnering with academics can inspire arts organisations and practitioners to create innovative new projects.

Creating change together

Photo of three women looking at tablets
19 Oct 2017

Arts leaders involved in a new two-year programme for organisations seeking to create significant change gathered together for the first time recently. Richard Watts discusses the aims of the programme.

Arts Council joins forces with London authorities to promote culture in the capital

Man painting
13 Oct 2017

The shared commitment to extending access to arts and culture comes as London Mayor Sadiq Khan begins a review into the supply of artist workspace.

How to strengthen and maintain networks

Photo of networking
12 Oct 2017

What does a cultural network have to do – and be – to become strong, sustainable and effective? Four cultural professionals weigh in.

Connecting a city

Photo of sign advertising event outside cafe
03 Oct 2017

Charles Quick describes how a programme of creative activities built around the Preston and Lancashire City Deal has brought together artists, residents and policy makers, and been met with a surprising amount of enthusiasm.

Learning from social policy

Photo of two older women posing on stage
27 Sep 2017

How can social and cultural leaders make the most of each other’s knowledge and change lives for the better? Researcher Jeanette Burnett has been finding out.

Culture plans for London’s Square Mile

Simon Rattle conducting an orchestra
21 Jul 2017

A creative district with “creative exchange, cultural collaboration and learning at its core” will be developed to link key cultural venues in the heart of the City of London.

A radical rescue plan

Photo of young people acting
13 Jul 2017

The Canterbury Heritage Museum has attracted fewer and fewer visitors in recent years, but a rescue plan involving the Marlowe Theatre is set to revitalise it. Janice McGuinness tells the story.

Bidding for funding in partnership

Photo of teacher with children holding up large drawing
13 Jul 2017

When the six counties in the north of Wales suddenly found themselves in competition with one another for funding, they decided to form a regional partnership and work together. Gwenno Eleri Jones tells the story.

Building resilience

Photo of children in audience playing air guitar
06 Jul 2017

Resilient leadership is vital in music education hubs, where a culture of shared purpose is at the heart of everything they do. Sue Hoyle and Mark Robinson explain what this involves.

How to... network as an introvert

Photo of networking
22 Jun 2017

If you’re an introvert, don’t listen to advice telling you to change: you are awesome and you will succeed, advises David Taylor.

International cultural exchange

Photo of woman watching younger man writing
22 Jun 2017

Delivering training to creative businesses across Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean has taught Visiting Arts the value of forming relationships face-to-face, says Sophia Victoria.

Getting to know the neighbours

Photo of pink heart pegged on a line
21 Jun 2017

As producer-in-residence of a whole town, Bridget Floyer explains how she treats the residents as neighbours rather than audiences or participants.


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