Listening before leading

07 Mar 2013

An open dialogue between arts practitioners, public funders and the public is vital in developing the arts for the benefit of the wider community, says Liz Hill.

A numbers perspective

04 Mar 2013

In the second of three edited extracts from 'Fireworks', his book of provocation essays,  Dan Eastmond quantifies a disconnect between the public arts sector and the population.

Exit for the Future

26 Feb 2013

As the arts are mollycoddled by protective funding and propped up by the instinct of stability, will the output of our creative institutions fall further behind the mind of the age? Dan Eastmond makes the case.

When a theatre led and the funders followed

14 Feb 2013

Anne Bonnar reflects on an experimental approach to attracting audiences that paid off at the Citizens Theatre.

Publish and be damned

06 Feb 2013

Liz Hill explains why ArtsProfessional persists in calling Arts Council England to account.

Speak up for dance

16 Jan 2013

Neil Nisbet says tweeting links to petitions is a poor substitute for consistent participation by the dance sector in discussions about the profession and culture in general.

Shifting public opinion

Woman walking past graffiti of multicoloured hearts
03 Jan 2013

A national campaign for the arts should first and foremost aim to win the public’s hearts and minds, says Liz Hill.

A bid for new audiences?

21 Dec 2012

Chrissie Tiller says cheap ticketing schemes alone will never be the answer to bringing in more diverse audiences.

I Will Survive

21 Dec 2012

The NewcastleGateshead Initiative has plans for the future, explains Carol Bell.

Panel beating is wrong

20 Dec 2012

Jane Beardsworth sees no reason to suspect improper processes relating to ATTL in the North West.

Jobs for the boys

20 Dec 2012

Grant-makers owe it to their staff and those they fund to operate a fully transparent process that leaves no room for allegations of misfeasance, says Liz Hill.

Honest lessons

19 Dec 2012

Evaluation reports that share the problems as well as the successes are the most valuable of all, says Liz Hill

Clarity, balance and misrepresentation

19 Dec 2012

Kate Wafer and Daniel Hadley defend the ATTL project in Yorkshire.

The spirit and the letter

13 Dec 2012

What do Starbucks, the Leveson inquiry and Arts Council England have in common? Liz Hill makes some suggestions.

Europe invests in the arts

13 Dec 2012

The future looks bright for culture on the continent, but the Autumn Statement provided no such solace for the UK, says Liz Hill.

My experience with art, advertising and plagiarism

11 Dec 2012

Those who steal other artists’ ideas are not worthy of the badge ‘artist’ themselves, says Ian Moir.

In defence of cuts

11 Dec 2012

Nick Forbes of Newcastle City Council is furious that he’s being forced to slash funding to the arts, but it’s about essential services and essential means saving lives.

Writing on the wall

12 Nov 2012

The loss of arts cash will be a problem, but the loss of arts education would be a catastrophe, says Liz Hill.

Keep dancing

12 Nov 2012

Linda Jasper calls for the proposed EBacc qualification to include the opportunity for young people to continue to study dance.

London leads the way

12 Nov 2012

The Mayor’s Education Inquiry arrived last month, following extensive consultation with stakeholders across London. But what does it mean for music education and the wider community arts sector? Lawrence Becko makes some suggestions.


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