Springing back into action: new insights

Graphic showing a person speaking into a mic, a meter, tickets, emojis, mobile phone
26 Apr 2023

Most people in the sector don’t need to be analysts but they do need the insight to make changes that speak to audiences. Here, Anne Torregiani shares how this thinking has shaped The Audience Agency’s next-generation suite of audience insight tools. 

Weathering the cost-of-living storm across the UK

Storm clouds and lightning
08 Dec 2022

Research rings warning bells about the potential effects of the cost-of-living clouds rolling in across all four nations. Anne Torreggiani asks how we can brace for impact and support communities? 

Creating spaces for reflection and connection

29 Jun 2022

With a wealth of experience leading and facilitating peer learning programmes, Amanda Smethurst reflects on the critical requirements for an impactful learning experience.

‘Make it SO’

17 May 2022

In the last in our series profiling the shortlisted candidates for City of Culture 2025, Claire Whitaker says Southampton has been connecting the UK with people across the globe for thousands of years.

‘We rise together’

Children celebrate Wrexham's City of Culture 2025 bid
04 May 2022

In the third of our series profiling the shortlisted candidates for City of Culture 2025, Ian Bancroft reveals Wrexham as “one of the last punk places in the UK”.

‘Our Time, Our Place’

Young people from Bradford send off for the district's official UK City of Culture 2025 bid
19 Apr 2022

In the second in our series profiling the shortlisted candidates for City of Culture 2025, Shanaz Gulzar shares how Bradford's young people shaped a bid that awakened a sleeping giant of a city.

‘The past we inherit, the future we build’

Durham miners' gala
06 Apr 2022

In the first in a series profiling the shortlisted candidates for UK City of Culture 2025, Alison Clark introduces the county whose bid is inspired by the Durham Miners Association.

What does your pricing say about you?

09 Mar 2022

Pricing is an overlooked form of communication. As soon as a price is placed on something, it sends out a message about the product, says David Reece

The real Big Bang

Poet Scarlett Ward leads a poetry workshop in conjunction with About Us and UNBOXED
22 Feb 2022

About Us* is a dazzling free show combining projection mapping, animation, music and poetry. At its heart, says Maggie Aderin-Pocock, is a simple message: we are all connected. 

Welcome to UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK

people looking at an art installation
21 Oct 2021

What happens when creative minds from different sectors and disciplines come together to imagine and design bold, large-scale events to reach millions of people worldwide? Martin Green reveals what’s in store for 2022.

Little moments of joy

Projection on cargo truck
09 Jun 2021

While audiences are most comfortable returning to outdoor events, organising a festival that can flex around ever-changing restrictions is still no mean feat. Penny Mills and Jonathan Goodacre have been looking at what’s working.

Coventry 2021: City of Culture is open for business

Coventry city of culture shop
19 May 2021

Despite all the difficulties of the past year, Jake Bartle and Emily Coleman are confident that this year’s festival will be a celebration of artistic achievement.

The uncharted terrain of the AI age

AI generated image
03 Jul 2024

A recent symposium exploring the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on creative practice has thrown up serious questions of authenticity, ethics, agency and authorship, says Dario Llinares.

A fresh blueprint for funding arts organisations

Image showing the Blueprint team with a banner
02 Jul 2024

Arts organisations are only too aware of the limitations of short-term funding. But, in Northern Ireland, a pioneering financial programme provides a fresh blueprint for future funding of the arts, as Sarah Jones explains.

Digital content: Less like marketing, more like journalism

Delegates sitting on a stage with banners for Digital Works conference
01 Jul 2024

A focus on niche audiences and regular content formats could be key to amplifying a new type of storytelling, writes Zosia Poulter.

Teachers are vital to unlocking cultural experiences

Woman and child working together modelling some clay
26 Jun 2024

Whoever forms the next government, Art Fund will be lobbying it for greater access to museums for disadvantaged children through the school curriculum, as Catherine Monks explains.

Can apprenticeships address the sector’s lack of diversity?

People looking at exhibits in a gallery
24 Jun 2024

Apprenticeships offer far more than just a qualification. Charlotte Nicol is convinced they can and will radically change the make-up of the arts sector.

Culture and place: Why we need to look beyond cities

People sitting on the grass in the grounds of Pontefract Castle
19 Jun 2024

Arts and culture are integral to shaping the places we live. We now need to understand the effects cultural placemaking practices have on our towns, provinces and rural areas, argues John Wright.

Birmingham: 'An extraordinary jewel of a city'

Image of people dancing
17 Jun 2024

In the latest in our series on the arts in education, Steve Ball shares an initiative which connects schools and arts organisations across the city of Birmingham.

Fail, fail again, fail better

Launch of Failspace
12 Jun 2024

Failure is part of life. We all know this, creative folk perhaps better than most, says Katie Villa. But how can we learn to fail well?


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