Changing Faces

Leadership changes at Creative Scotland

Patrick Jowett
2 min read

Creative Scotland has announced two changes to senior roles.

DANA MacLEOD will become Executive Director of Arts, Communities and Inclusion in September. She is currently the British Council’s Director of Arts for South Asia, based in New Dehli, and was formally Director of Arts for British Council Scotland.

“I am excited to be returning to Scotland to join the committed team at Creative Scotland and to be supporting artists and communities across the country to build a cultural sector for new times, embedding the importance of creativity in Scotland’s future,” she said.

ANNE LANGLEY joins as Executive Director of Operations. She moves from the UK Government’s Cabinet Office, where she is Portfolio Director for Places for Growth, taking up her new post at the end of July.

“I am excited by the Creative Scotland vision, with its focus on supporting a thriving culture and creative sector for Scotland [and] am looking forward to playing my part in this ambitious and exciting organisation,” she said.

The pair were welcomed by Chief Executive IAIN MUNRO: “Both bring an enormous amount of expertise, experience and enthusiasm and they will, I’m sure, make a significant and positive contribution to our work, and to culture and creativity in Scotland more broadly.”