Fighting for customer attention

Photo of a group of people looking at their phones
15 Nov 2018

Just providing entertainment is no longer enough to draw in audiences. But by focusing on what people value, arts organisations can maintain strong relationships with customers amid competing demands for their attention, writes Dave Wakeman.

Spying on your audiences

Customers at a theatre pub
25 Oct 2018

How can you find out what your audience really thinks? Ron Evans recommends observing them using your very own spy network.

Unpicking prejudice

People sitting on a bench in the middle of an art gallery
25 Oct 2018

It is exciting to explore and own the biases that we impart to audiences, argues Bea Udeh.

Wales urged to overhaul international arts promotion

Musicians on stage in front of a crowd
12 Sep 2018

A British Council Wales report says that “small adjustments to the current system will not yield the necessary major changes”.

Business skills for creators

A hat full of coins on a street
05 Sep 2018

Effectively monetising creative work ensures that artists can continue to do what they love. Ros Gilman offers advice on pricing, marketing and legal issues.

Reaching the iPhone generation

Tablets and smart phones offer potential for short video
30 Aug 2018

Arts organisations could be doing a lot to tempt potential audiences with a taster of their work. Steve Wallace explains how video could take more advantage of society’s growing visual literacy.

Cultural visits continue to fall amid terrorism fears

The Great Court at the British Museum
17 Aug 2018

London galleries were hard hit last year, as school children admissions fell for the fourth consecutive year.

Segment your way to success

Photo of exterior of theatre at night
21 Jun 2018

The right approach to segmentation can drive sales and improve return on investment, as Tennessee Performing Arts Center in the US proved. David Reece and Timmy Metzner explain.

Sharing the spoils

Photo of woman sitting on edge of a bath
24 May 2018

Five London venues have jointly hosted a one-woman show – and then pooled the box office takings. Kaya Stanley-Money explains how it worked.

Connecting a diverse programme with diverse audiences

Photo of exterior of theatre at night
03 May 2018

Bespoke segmentation modelling helps Sadler’s Wells talk to its audiences with personalised precision across venues and genres. Sebastian Cheswright Cater explains how.

What it means to be really digital

Photo of woman wearing headset
03 May 2018

With all the reliance on digital technology over the past decade, are arts organisations as digitally mature as they should be, asks Hannah Mason.

The challenge of true collaboration

Photo of actors on stage with audience behind
22 Mar 2018

How do we get to the point where we are truly collaborating? Debbie Richards describes a project that sought the benefits of collaboration between fundraisers and marketers.

Being an international in the creative sector

Photo of Concorde
12 Feb 2018

Julie Bécaud, now a researcher at the Scottish Maritime Museum, explains her first steps into the arts in the UK.

Tough love for better engagement

Photo of a theatre production
03 Jan 2018

Purging inactive subscribers from Chichester Festival Theatre’s email list has helped improve the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns. Alice Young explains how.

Making the transition to producing house

Man and woman on stage in period costume
28 Nov 2017

London’s West End is full of receiving theatres, but the Jermyn Street Theatre has recently rebranded and restructured itself as a producing house. Tom Littler tells the story.

Making the most of membership

Photo of booklet
02 Nov 2017

How did Sadler’s Wells manage to increase its membership and ticket sales while cutting discounts and other incentives? Sebastian Cheswright Cater shares the secrets of their success.

The psychology of loyalty

Photo of a girl and a dog
26 Oct 2017

Messages to arts audiences tend to focus on getting people to attend, but do little to trigger the strong feelings that will create long-term loyalty. Ron Evans explains why – and how – this should change.

The art of not underselling

Photo of venue dressed up for wedding
19 Oct 2017

Fabrica in Brighton has raised extra income through venue hire for some years, but it needed a more commercial approach to maximise its potential. Anne Rupert tells the story.

How to… deal with negative online comments

Photo of women looking at computer monitor
05 Oct 2017

It’s inevitable that you will get some bad reviews and customer complaints on social media, but how should you respond? David Burns offers his advice.

Turn your marketing upside down

Image of theatre audience
28 Sep 2017

To achieve true customer relationship management all marketing activities should be turned upside down, focusing much more on the customer than the product, says David Reece.


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