Arts Council outlines priorities for next two years

Hull Dancers
08 Jun 2018

The national funder wants to develop a culture of enterprise and increase the use of loan finance in the sector.

Taking advantage of your assets

Photo of someone annotating the octagon
07 Jun 2018

Melissa Wong introduces a simple framework to help arts organisations identify their strengths, and build on them to boost their resilience.

Survival skills for the new normal

Photo of person playing with Lego
26 Apr 2018

The Boosting Resilience programme is helping the sector develop new approaches to resilience based on creative assets and intellectual property. Sara Jones and Evelyn Wilson introduce the programme.

Going the distance to deliver business support

Photo of two women in conversation in a cafe
26 Apr 2018

As the Prosper programme comes to a close, Sarah Thirtle is convinced the sector would benefit from more business support.

UK arts councils launch cultural cities enquiry

Photo of creative city
18 Apr 2018

A call out for evidence seeks submissions on how planning, tax and fundraising reform could support arts organisations to become more sustainable.

A reliable and robust business model

Photo of sculpture of large head in gallery
15 Mar 2018

When Marc Steene set up a new art charity, he knew that the key to success would be adopting a business model based on a mix of revenue streams, including an endowment fund and earned income. 

Big changes following business support

Photo of two clowns in outdoor performance
15 Mar 2018

Creative United’s Prosper has delivered business support for arts and cultural organisations across England. Tyler Magas asks three organisations what changes they have made and what advice they would give others seeking business support.

Arts leaders more engaged in environmental action

Photo of Zena Edwards
09 Mar 2018

New research by Julie’s Bicycle finds arts organisations are saving money and boosting their reputations by adopting environmentally sustainable practices.

Finding the magic money tree

Photo of exterior of theatre at night
01 Mar 2018

By looking at admissions, ancillary sales and affiliation in isolation you may be missing a trick. Tim Baker advises on how to maximise upgrades and offer cost-effective membership benefits.

How Bristol Culture turned its retail operation around

Photo of interior of shop
14 Feb 2018

Three years ago Bristol’s museum and gallery shops were running without a plan and losing money, but now they are on track to increase revenue by 60%. Zak Mensah tells the story.

Would you like fries with that?

Photo of theatre restaurant
01 Feb 2018

From up-selling and cross-selling to ancillary offers of food and beverage, merchandise and even car parking, Tim Baker explores a ‘AAA’ approach to increasing revenue.

Regional theatre income up despite stalling sales

Photo of theatre
01 Dec 2017

A large increase in income from musicals and concerts offset falling ticket sales for plays last year, according to box office data from UK Theatre.

My experience with crowdfunding

Photo of La Llorona
21 Nov 2017

Amy Zamarripa Solis’s first attempt at crowdfunding was not a success. She explains what went wrong and reveals how – after raising less than 50% of her target – she still managed to stage a successful fringe theatre production.

Making the most of membership

Photo of booklet
02 Nov 2017

How did Sadler’s Wells manage to increase its membership and ticket sales while cutting discounts and other incentives? Sebastian Cheswright Cater shares the secrets of their success.

The appealing taste of advance sales

Photo of exterior of theatre at night
02 Nov 2017

For many venues pre-show dining is an important revenue stream, but for customers it can be a rushed and poor experience. Alice Young explains how pre-booking online can make it a more attractive option.

The AAA of income

Image of interlocking cogs
26 Oct 2017

Are you leaving money on the table? Tim Baker explains how taking an integrated approach to earned income can help arts organisations improve their bottom line.

The recipe for successful diversification

Photo of three aerial silk performers
26 Oct 2017

Many arts organisations need to diversify their income streams. Mahmood Reza reveals the three ingredients they need to do so successfully.

The art of not underselling

Photo of venue dressed up for wedding
19 Oct 2017

Fabrica in Brighton has raised extra income through venue hire for some years, but it needed a more commercial approach to maximise its potential. Anne Rupert tells the story.

Artist network to ‘change career prospects’ for artists

Photo of artist in studio
14 Jul 2017

Ensuring policy makers and commissioners value artists and art equally is at the heart of a-n’s new five-year strategy.

Arts projects fail to attract investors

Photo of people wearing headsets in woodland
26 Jun 2017

None of the participants in a digital arts accelerator programme designed to help cultural organisations attract commercial investment were able to convince investors that they could deliver sufficient financial returns.


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