How to remain inclusive while living with Covid

22 Feb 2022

Andrew Miller says arts organisations must work with disabled artists to keep them safe amid the very real risks the Government's plan poses to their health.

Welsh theatre 'can't afford' access for disabled actors

22 Feb 2022

Disabled actors are unable to perform at Theatre Colwyn because Conwy County Council cannot afford a wheelchair lift.

The council owned theatre underwent a £740,000 redevelopment in 2011 that included disabled access on all floors, but no disabled access to the stage.

During a committee meeting, Theatre Colwyn Manager Phil Batty said installing backstage disabled access would cost a £250,000.

He said: "It is the lift issue that is the cost. We did look into that, but it hasn’t moved any further. Obviously we’ve had Covid the last few years, but we will certainly pick it up again."

Conwy Counil’s Head of Economy and Culture Sarah Ecob said council is considering an installation, but it is complicated by the building's footprint.

Conwy disability champion Frank Bradfield called the issue an equal rights matter: “The cost of the lift doesn’t come into the rights or wrongs of it. You can’t discriminate against people on grounds of disability.”

Scottish Ballet extends health and wellbeing classes

07 Feb 2022

Scottish Ballet has committed to a five-year extension of its health and wellbeing programme.

The dance company offers classes across Scotland for people living with long term conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Dementia.

Scottish Ballet’s Director of Engagement Catherine Cassidy said support from investment company Baillie Gifford will help develop the programme, which has run since 2015.

More than a million Scots live with neurological conditions. Studies show taking part in regular dance classes can improve balance, fatigue and cognitive performance.

Building back better for parents and carers

a pregnant woman dancing in traditional clothing
19 Jan 2022

The pandemic has been particularly challenging for parents and carers trying to juggle their responsibilities with their working lives. Rethinking working practices could be beneficial for everyone, says Cassie Raine.

Disabled creatives marginalised by lack of knowledge

performers from La Ribalta Theater take part in a production. four girls are on stage, one looking forward, three looking backwards, all wearing white dresses
17 Jan 2022

There’s better guidance in the UK, study suggests, but work remains to remove structural barriers across Europe. 

Disability Empowerment Programme launches in Bristol

13 Jan 2022

A new initiative aimed at increasing disabled representation in the music industry has launched in Bristol.

Founded by artist management company Harbourside, The Disability Empowerment Programme is looking to recruit a young music manager with a disability, long-term health condition or neurodiversity into a paid internship.

The programme follows research by Harbourside indicating half of disabled music workers don’t disclose their conditions.

Owner Ben Price hopes the new initiative will help change perceptions the music industry is an inaccessible place for disabled people to work.

"It won’t be a short journey, but the Disability Empowerment Programme will hopefully help to improve the number of disabled people working in the industry both on stage and behind the scenes."

A ‘revolutionary’ disability arts movement 

A female wheelchair-using dancer rests on her back, another female dancer balances on her head using the wheelchair for support
11 Jan 2022

Ten years on from London 2012, disability arts programmes continue to impact artists and audiences around the globe. Tim Wheeler reports on the British Council's work in disability arts.

Neurodivergence manifesto a ‘call for change’

art of an eye amulet
22 Nov 2021

New recommendations around employment and lobbying for benefits will be “hard to ignore”, creatives say. 

Captions speak louder

Lost Kingdom of South America at British Museum
17 Nov 2021

As part of Captioning Awareness Week, Melanie Sharpe is campaigning to raise awareness of access to the arts for deaf, defeaned and hard of hearing audiences. 

Creating safe and inclusive workspaces in theatre

Mercury Theatre
04 Nov 2021

As a new code of conduct is launched for the theatre industry, Sebastian Cheswright Cater makes the case for the journey the sector needs to go on to make meaningful change. 

Survey highlights financial barriers to creative career development

01 Nov 2021

Creative Access says survey findings confirm money issues "exclude those from under-represented communities from progressing in the creative industries”.

Disabled artists' programme moves to Wakefield

25 Oct 2021

Relocating to Yorkshire heralds an independent future for a "big family" of disabled artists internationally.

Digital pivot reverses as theatres struggle to monetise online shows

14 Oct 2021

The trend has raised fears about diminishing access for disabled audiences - but research suggests they too are starting to switch off.

Coventry 2021: spotlighting disabled artists 

a group of performers
28 Sep 2021

Jake Bartle reports on how Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 is shining a spotlight on disabled artists.

Half victory for Arts Council England in disability discrimination case

22 Sep 2021

The funder has been cleared of indirect discrimination but its lawyer admits "there was perhaps a lack of a full understanding" about its own recruitment policy.

Win-win for disabled arts-lovers and the sector

22 Sep 2021

While anxiety about attending events remains high amongst disabled people, Anne Torregiani says the Covid online content boom has seen revolutionary opportunities that could improve access for good.

Being at home in Manchester

landscape image of Manchester's HOME venue
14 Sep 2021

A group of artists from Deaf, disabled and neurodiverse communities have been working on a project to transform accessibility. Nickie Miles-Wildin reports on its successes.

70% of shielding musicians facing financial hardship

13 Sep 2021

The music industry is urging better financial support for shielding musicians after research found 70% are facing financial hardship.

Nearly 60% said they hadn’t received any financial support during the pandemic and almost 40% say they must continue shielding beyond the end of Covid restrictions.

Musicians' Union General Secretary Horace Trubridge said shielding musicians are being “left behind with no support”.

Alongside The Ivors Academy, the union is asking the Government to extend furlough and self-employment support for shielding musicians until they can safely return to work.

“The Government must provide clearer, accessible guidance, and ensure that this group of workers can access financial support to stay safe and not be forced to choose between going to work and their health,” Trubridge added.

Making content fully accessible

a sign with a logo of a person in a wheelchair, signalling access to a step free route
08 Sep 2021

The shift to digital has been beneficial to many, but Ash Mann is particularly interested in what it could mean for D/deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people.

Curators of the future

exhibition and showcase
07 Sep 2021

Being disabled in the visual arts sector has presented galleries with serious challenges. But Mike Layward is optimistic about programmes which promote much needed change.


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