Growing number of sector job vacancies down to skill shortages

31 May 2024

Number of job vacancies in the creative industries and culture sector left unfilled because applicants do not have the right skills, qualifications or experience is rising.

ACE Review: Sector to get say on public body's performance

A young girl interacting with an artwork
24 May 2024

Senior figures from arts and culture organisations have previously said that government-ordered review of Arts Council England requires sector input to be meaningful.

Frazer struggles to name any 'at risk' arts organisations

Lucy Frazer appearing before the Culture Select Committee
23 May 2024

Culture Secretary says that while she has concerns about the state of local authority finances, tax reliefs introduced by government have allowed cultural organisations to 'maximise their economic potential'.

Pulse report: Local Authority Funding 2024

Local Authority Funding Pulse survey full report
23 May 2024

In the lastest AP Pulse survey, we sought to find out the impact that local authority funding cuts to the arts was having on the sector. The results are now in.

General election: Arts leaders seek funding pledges

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
23 May 2024

Sector leaders call for arts, culture and the creative industries to be central to policy plans of parties contesting the forthcoming general election.

Parents and carers in the performing arts face growing pay gap

22 May 2024

Report finds evidence of unsustainable working conditions and a growing pay disparity for parents and carers working in the performing arts.

An explosive level of jeopardy

Images of school pupils with a lousie bourgeois sculpture
21 May 2024

The challenges facing London’s cultural sector are legion, but they cannot be addressed in isolation. Southbank Centre's Artistic Director Mark Ball says we need to create an interconnected national ecology.

Arts projects to benefit from lottery fund expansion

21 May 2024

The National Lottery Community Fund, which has previously funded arts projects supporting wellbeing, young people and the elderly, has announced plans to extend its reach to more than 80% of the UK.

Frequent engagement with the arts decreasing

An audience watching a perfromance
20 May 2024

Proportion of people attending arts events on a weekly basis has fallen by 14 percentage points over the last two years, according to government data.

Controversial ACE guidance 'linked to Israel-Gaza conflict'

The offices of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport
20 May 2024

Arts Council England confirms that it discussed controversial changes to its Relationship Framework with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport prior to its publication but inists had no input into the revisions.

Frazer defends Saudi trade mission amid 'art washing' concerns

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer meeting with Saudi Tourism Minister Ahmed Al Khateeb
17 May 2024

Culture Secretary says the UK can 'support positive social change' in Saudi Arabia through engagement and relationship building as UK cultural organisations attend trade event in Riyadh.

Education system facing 'arts apocalypse', sector warns

Two children standing at a table painting
13 May 2024

Concerns raised over 'decimation' of arts provision in schools and colleges across England.

ACE to develop AI best practice guidance for cultural sector

08 May 2024

Arts Council England has teamed up with Goldsmiths, University of London, to develop best practice guidance on using artificial intelligence (AI) in the cultural sector.

The work is being led by Dr Oonagh Murphy, Senior Lecturer in Digital Culture and Society at Goldsmiths, who has received a fellowship award from a three-year national research programme funded by the UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council called BRAID - Bridging the Responsible AI Divide.

Murphy will work with ACE over the next 18 months to explore how AI might be ethically and responsibly integrated into its work and the work of the organisations it supports.

The guidance will focus on harnessing the benefits of experimenting with AI, exploring the risks it might present to the intellectual property rights and livelihoods of people who work in the sector, and recommending ways to mitigate them.

Her research will involve interviews with ACE staff and other cultural sector professionals to understand how AI might impact their work, as well as reviewing emerging literature and good practices regarding the use of AI.

Murphy said: “This project takes a whole organisation approach, and the embedded nature of the research fellowship provides a unique opportunity to create new ways of thinking about how AI will impact on the work of Arts Council England today, tomorrow and into the future.”

Cultural organisations to share £24m of capital investment

08 May 2024

Arts Council England says the money will 'help secure the creative future' of English communities by improving access and environmental performance as well as technological capability.

Birmingham Council 'making cuts based on imagined data'

03 May 2024

Cuts to a wide range of services across Birmingham including arts and culture are based on "imagined data", it has been claimed.

According to The Guardian, sources inside the Labour-led council said the local authority’s finances were in disarray as a result of a faulty IT system rollout and a £760m equal pay liability bill, which led it to effectively declare bankruptcy, and could be hugely overstated.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Paul Tilsley said: “The figure of £760m is a figment of someone’s imagination, in my opinion. If you look at the estimated claimants, the numbers are just incompatible, it defies financial imagination.

“And this figure is ruining this city. We’re going to see the real basic infrastructure of the city, things like libraries, closed and sold off, and when they’re gone they can’t be replicated. I’m seeing the heart ripped out of my city.”

A spokesperson for Birmingham City Council said: “In early 2023, there were a variety of estimates of equal pay liability, which were wide-ranging and clearly needed further work. Further detailed analysis was requested and subsequently the findings were shared with the public and all members of this council.

“Since then the council has worked tirelessly with trade unions and the commissioners to agree a job evaluation scheme that will help to end the equal pay liability once and for all.

“A budget for the next two years was approved by full council in March. We must now focus on how we spend what we have in the most effective way, and we are committed to getting the basics right across a whole range of service areas.”

ACE seeks to simplify 'onerous' reporting requirements by 2027

30 Apr 2024

Chief Executive of Arts Council England says that while data collection from funded organisations is a necessity, he hears the sector's concerns and wants to act.

Central Bedfordshire consults on first arts strategy

29 Apr 2024

Residents and cultural organisations are being asked to share their views on a draft strategy for the future of arts and culture in Central Bedfordshire.

Central Bedfordshire Council said the draft strategy, which will become the district's first arts and culture strategy, sets goals to create a "thriving cultural landscape" over the next five years.

A consultation on a draft library services strategy for the next five years is also being held.

Mary Walsh, the council's Executive Member responsible for libraries, arts and culture, said: "A vibrant arts and cultural scene can help communities come together, increase footfall in our town centres and villages, promote health and wellbeing, and give people a sense of pride in where they live. 

"Evidence shows it can also create a prosperous economy, enriching lives through diverse cultural experiences.  

"Our library services strategy emphasises our commitment to ensuring libraries continue to be vibrant community spaces, as well as high-quality centres for learning and participation that are accessible to all.

"It’s important that both these strategies align with community aspirations and needs. We urge people to get involved with this consultation, look at the work we have done so far, which sets out a series of actions to help us achieve our aims, and help shape the future of arts and culture and our library services in Central Bedfordshire."

The Libraries Strategy consultation is open until 23 June, and the Arts and Culture Strategy consultation is open until 21 July.

Work on £2.5m creative hub for Loughborough begins

29 Apr 2024

Building work to transform a former industrial building in Loughborough into a creative arts centre will begin this month.

The BBC reports that the £2.5m project to create a large-capacity, multi-purpose cultural centre for the town at the Generator Hall is due to be completed by next spring.

The Generator CIC, a community interest company managed by volunteers, said it has "been working hard for several years" to transform the 1930s building.

In addition to £1.8m previously secured from various channels, £700,000 from the government's Community Ownership Fund was confirmed on 22 December, allowing contracts to be signed and builders to be arranged.

David Pagett-Wright, Chair of the Generator CIC, said: "Alongside this amazing breakthrough, we've been working incredibly hard behind the scenes for reasons we can now reveal.

"When we went to tender in July 2023, we discovered that recent, exceptional inflation in building costs had made our established plans no longer feasible. We hit quite a wall.

"We had to re-work our plans, creating a two-stage approach, and then go back to our main funders to get their agreement. Thankfully, all are on board with this approach."



LA funding survey: Commercial mindset increasingly important

25 Apr 2024

Business acumen within arts organisations is necessary in the face of local authority funding cuts, survey findings suggest.

Study finds arts underinvestment across Derby and Nottingham

09 Apr 2024

Historic levels of funding from local authorities, Arts Council England and National Lottery across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire found to be below average.


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