Women beware women

01 Nov 2010

Are there any legal sticking points that arts organisations need to be aware of if they cater exclusively to women? Keith Arrowsmith, Partner at Ralli Solicitors LLP, investigates

The benefits of networking

01 Nov 2010

WEB EXCLUSIVE CASE STUDY: Networking can be a great way to get extra support, contacts and confidence if you are thinking of starting a business, says training consultant Diana Barden.

Return on investment

01 Nov 2010

WEB EXCLUSIVE CASE STUDY: Elizabeth Newman, Assistant Director at the Octagon Theatre Bolton at the age of 24, charts her path as a young director and considers whether being a woman has made things harder

Women beware women

01 Nov 2010

WEB EXCLUSIVE CASE STUDY: Are there any legal sticking points that arts organisations need to be aware of if they cater exclusively to women? Keith Arrowsmith, Partner at Ralli Solicitors LLP, investigates

Ask the expert

01 Nov 2010

Got a work-related problem? AP finds the expert with the answer.

Rhymes and reasons

01 Nov 2010

Poetic justice? Eleanor Turney reports on the future of contemporary poetry

What’s up, doc?

01 Nov 2010

Jo Talbot Bowen faced plenty of challenges when she moved from medicine to visual art, but is it really as rocky a road as we imagine?

You’re fired!

01 Nov 2010

Negotiating the exit of senior staff can be a tricky process. Paul Seath explains how best to tackle the potential legal pitfalls

Greener, cheaper, better

11 Oct 2010

A year since the 10:10 campaign was launched, Julie’s Bicycle looks at ways in which the cultural industry is coping with carbon reduction

Orchestrating a greener future

11 Oct 2010

Stephen Maddock reveals how touring live shows while lowering carbon emissions and costs can work in harmony together

Make a stand… and deliver

11 Oct 2010

Michaela Crimmin reviews how artists are making a physical difference to the environment

Ask the expert

11 Oct 2010

Looking for advice? AP finds the answers to your questions

Pop in, sit up

11 Oct 2010

The success of recession-fuelled pop-up theatre shows that creativity need not be restrained by budgets, argue Roland Smith and Jessica Brewster

Talent and tenacity

11 Oct 2010

How can creative graduates maximise their chances of securing paid work post-university? Zoë Ellsmore takes a look

Making a merger work

A face on two hands
11 Oct 2010

Are two heads better than one? Mahmood Reza explains why and how arts organisations can merge to ensure survival and success

Want to make more Friends?

11 Oct 2010

Download ‘Devising a membership scheme’, a chapter from The Complete Membership Handbook – FREE for AP subscribers


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