
What do you want to ask ACE about the new 10 year strategy?

The Arts Council admits it should do more to promote everyday creativity, after a record of  “not always full throated” support.

Jonathan Knott
2 min read

Over the coming weeks, ArtsProfessional will be giving you the chance to put questions to Arts Council England (ACE) on its new draft strategy and you'll be able to read their responses here. 

To kick off the conversation, we're publishing a series of blogs written by ACE, starting today with Deputy Director Simon Mellor's blog introducing ‘Creative People’ – one of three overarching themes in the strategy.

Mellor recalls that as he travelled across the country listening to consultations for the strategy, “the thing that struck me most forcefully was how deeply we value creativity”.

He says people “spoke at length about their wish for more opportunities to participate in creative activities – from photography clubs and dance classes to craft circles and local choirs”.

But people also expressed concerns that such activities were increasingly coming under threat, due to the closure of community spaces like libraries, fewer adult education opportunities, and the sidelining of the arts in schools.

He concedes that “the Arts Council has to date not always been full throated in our support for the idea that everyone should be given opportunities to develop their creativity,” adding that “with the new strategy we are suggesting that we should do more to promote opportunities for everyone, at all stages of their life, to be creative”.

What do you want to ask the Arts Council about the strategy? Email [email protected] and we'll select the most popular and interesting questions to put to ACE and publish their responses.

The Arts Council’s consultation on its draft strategy for 2020-30 is open until 23 September.