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An Equity-spearheaded campaign to ban casting directors from charging performers upfront fees has received backing from the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

The support, confirmed at the annual TUC congress currently taking place in Brighton, means the body will call on casting services to transfer fee-paying responsibilities from actors to producers. It has also said it will lobby the government on legislation to protect job-seeking performers.

The National Education Union is also supporting the motion.

Earlier this year, Equity confirmed it would take legal action against casting service Spotlight over the fees it charges.

According to The Stage, Equity is hoping it is ruled that Spotlight operates as an employment agency and would then be forced to show the rates it charges amount to no more than a reasonable estimate of the cost of production and distribution of its services.

The case is set to be heard in the High Court. Equity President Lynda Rooke, who moved the motion backed by TUC, has said she would give evidence at the case to challenge Spotlight's “excessive fees”.