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A survey of people living in Scotland found the majority support the creative sector being sponsored by the finance industry.

Two thirds of Scots surveyed said they think the financial backing of banks, pension providers and asset managers is important to the creative life of the country.

The figure dipped significantly only among the 16-24 age group, with almost a third saying they would not attend an arts or culture event backed by the business sector. 

Across all age groups, over half (54%) said they would have no concerns about buying a ticket for such events.

The poll of 1,000 people was conducted by Survation for strategic advisory firm True North, which works with Scottish Financial Enterprise.

It was conducted following the withdrawal of investment house Baillie Gifford from literary festivals across the UK. Activism group Fossil Fuel Books criticised the sponsorship due to Baillie Gifford’s investment in fossil fuels and companies that have commercial links to Israel. The group’s open letter received over 700 signatures from leading writers and publishing industry professionals.

Last month, National Galleries of Scotland put out a statement saying it will continue its relationship with Baillie Gifford.