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Oldham Council has been awarded £564,375 by the Arts Council England to pay for improvements to a building that houses Gallery Oldham and the town's central library.

The Saddleworth Independent reports that the local authority will use the money to “improve the experience for visitors” and “upgrade systems” to “minimise future maintenance and repair costs”.

Gallery Oldham’s infrastructure and environmental performance will be improved through the £287,375 from ACE's the Museum Estate and Development Fund.

While the layout of the library and what it offers visitors will be enhanced by the £277,000 awarded from ACE's Library Improvement Fund.

Peter Dean, Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture at Oldham Council, said: “Gallery Oldham and central library are two of our most important cultural buildings when it comes to visitor numbers.

“It’s really good news that we’ve received this funding to make sure they are user-friendly and fit for purpose for years to come.”

Work on the improvements is expected to begin later this year.
