Blog Posts

What I Wrote to a Parliamentary Committee

Artist Matt Baker on misinterpretations of his contribution to a parliamentary review of Creative Scotland.

Kirsten Peter
1 min read

I have been asked to appear before the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Culture next week – in advance I was told I could submit a written contribution to the debate. Before doing this I spoke to many colleagues and put out a call for comment on our local arts blog.


Whilst much of the content of my statement has been discussed with colleagues – it is entirely my own personal view. The statement is now in the public domain and has already been reported by the media – the article that I have seen,I feel, places undue emphasis on 'criticsm ' of Creative Scotland – what I intended, was to provide positive strategies for action that would benefit grassroots arts in Scotland and assist CS in achieving their aims. 

Here is my full submission to the committee if anyone would like to see what I actually wrote:

Read the full written contribution on Matt's blog here