
The dawning of a new age for ArtsProfessional

Arts Professional
2 min read

Dear Subscriber,

While colleagues are taking time off to avoid the rain-soaked shires and cities of Britain over the next few weeks, or watching the Olympics, here at ArtsProfessional the staff have sleeves rolled up and heads buried deep inside databases, content-management-systems and graphic design software suites.

The reason? Well, we’re planning some big changes to ArtsProfessional: both what we produce and how we produce it. This is the last issue with this ‘look and feel’, and from September subscribers will receive a new-look magazine through the post.

But that’s not all. We’ve restructured and invested, in both print and online resources including website, email and social media. So, whilst we will deliver a far more content-rich magazine, we are also boosting the functionality of our website.

With a new 32-page layout and gorgeous design, your magazine will be thicker and packed with news, features and information. Each new magazine issue will also be emailed to you – with links – and you’ll receive three email alerts every week: an ArtsProfessional news bulletin, ArtsJobFinder jobs bulletin, and a conferences and events update (you can choose which).

And you’ll also get full, unlimited access to our dynamic new website at www.artsprofessional.co.uk
There’s more to tell you about the changes which we will expand on in the next issue; but ultimately we’ve done it to provide you with the right content at your fingertips, in the format you want it.

As ever it is the loyalty of our subscribers that enables us to produce an independent arts management magazine which continues to challenge, campaign, investigate and report. Thank you for your loyalty; we value your readership, and your opinions. Here’s to a dry summer.