
On tour and on track

Arts Professional
2 min read

With many ITC members having contributed to the development of the Arts Council’s new approach to touring, I was surprised to read Charlotte Jones’ recent article (Warning Signals, AP254, 11 June) setting out her concerns about the fund.

We funded the Tate’s ‘Artists Rooms’ as it’s an exceptional project; one which will bring world class art to people and places across England that would not otherwise have access to it. The project reflects the ambitions of curators who are actively looking to establish new relationships with venues in places where its work has never previously been exhibited, something we believe will have a long-term legacy for access to art for people in England.

The reason the Arts Council asks potential applicants to the Strategic Touring programme to speak to a member of staff first is to give applicants the chance to have in-depth discussions that can help them develop their project, and also so that we can monitor demand for this new programme from across the country. Arts Council staff may suggest to individuals and organisations that their application will have a greater chance of success with further development (or through a different funding programme), and with multiple rounds of strategic touring funding every year until 2015, organisations will have plenty of chances to apply.

This was just the first round of the fund and we’ll be supporting many more exciting projects, both large and small, over the remaining five rounds this year to ensure more people experience and are inspired by the arts. Round 2 of the funding is due to be announced soon.