Q: I’m in charge of programming for our small mixed touring venue. We’ve done a lot of work with schools but I don’t feel we’re engaging with families enough. How do I get the groups that come to panto (grandparents, parents and children) attending at other times of the year?
A: You are definitely not alone with this, not least because in my experience the bulk of families will only make one visit to any theatre each year, for a Christmas day or night out, and won’t come back until the following Christmas whatever you do to tempt them. However, you could try looking at a couple of things, the first a relatively simple marketing tactic and the other a little more wide-ranging:
1. Email or mail the bookers the day after they have attended the panto with a mix of other relevant shows you are putting on. If you get them while they are ‘hot’ and have just enjoyed a visit to your venue they are more likely to come back soon. When we’ve trailed this, response rates are as high as 13% (versus a standard direct mail response to our core audiences of 3–7%). If you can’t afford to mail them all, just pick out those that who are first-time attenders. If possible, why not try adding a ticket offer?
2. Something that could work well but would take more effort is to plan a family open day soon after the panto, to showcase some of the events coming to the venue that season. If it’s not possible to co-ordinate this, then what about putting on family workshops for kids (and their parents/grandparents) – a great (and relatively cheap) way to demonstrate the family friendly nature of your venue, and an opportunity to then market the other things that are happening. Timing-wise, you can flyer the ‘open day’ during the panto run so that all the families leave knowing there is a ‘free’ opportunity to return and find out more.
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