A change of scenery

02 Jul 2012

Trina Jones explains how Birmingham Rep has risen to the challenge of being homeless

Cross-channel collaboration

02 Jul 2012

Geography has been no barrier to artistic ambition for Lakes Alive, the international Cultural Olympiad programme bringing street arts to Cumbria. Jeremy Shine describes the collaboration at its heart

Hackney hot pot

02 Jul 2012

From pop-up to permanent, Jay Miller explains what it was like opening a theatre in Hackney Wick, alongside poverty, diversity and the ultimate force of change: the Olympics

Economic Eden

02 Jul 2012

East London is home to a new Pleasure Garden. Garfield Hackett explains how he turned a derelict site into a hub for creativity and leisure, and a commercial prospect for the local community

Into the woods

02 Jul 2012

There is a long history of land art at Grizedale Forest. Hayley Skipper explains how a partnership between the Arts Council and the Forestry Commission is continuing the tradition

Town and gown

02 Jul 2012

A new gallery is opening within London South Bank University. Mary Paterson talks us through the process that led to its arrival

The tough get going

02 Jul 2012

Losing local authority funding hasn’t meant the end of the road in Gloucestershire – quite the reverse. Pippa Jones explains why

Planning vs localism

02 Jul 2012

Theresa Bergne considers the implications of national policy for public art at a local level, and describes the impact being felt in Bristol

Take the money and run?

11 Jun 2012

Jane Trowell shines a light on the issues that arts organisations will be faced with if they prepare to gear up their drive for sponsorship

Festival fever

11 Jun 2012

Running a free festival is not without risk, but David Hill explains why it’s a risk worth taking

Then and now

11 Jun 2012

June will see publication of the last ever issue of a-n Magazine after 32 years, making space for new programmes from a-n The Artists Information Company. Susan Jones reflects on changing times

Mind the gap

11 Jun 2012

Has the time come for a new arts investment fund? Graham Henderson makes the case

Swings and roundabouts

11 Jun 2012

Rick Bond weighs up the implications of transferring to a trust

Cultural economy

11 Jun 2012

Yvette Vaughan Jones looks towards a Creative Europe 2014 – and beyond

Turning the Tide

11 Jun 2012

Alastair Fairley reveals how a community of artists and a hard-nosed drive for publicity put Hastings firmly on the cultural map

Learning together creatively

11 Jun 2012

When the whole community gets involved in an arts project, the result is something much larger than the sum of its parts. Miranda Johnson explains

A creative space

11 Jun 2012

Boo Chapple has been courting a creative community online

Collective effort

11 Jun 2012

Godfrey Worsdale explains how a partnership between BALTIC and the University of Northumbria is building a unique cultural hub in the heart of Newcastle

A stake in Deptford

11 Jun 2012

Gavin Barlow discusses cultural regeneration, the social divide and how the Albany is helping Deptford to avoid becoming ‘so-hip-it-hurts’

Soap and glory

11 Jun 2012

This year QUAD set out to involve all 250,000 residents of Derby in a Soap Opera. Peter Bonnell explains how they went about it


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