Playing with new tools
The Digital R&D Fund for the Arts has resulted in several playful yet valuable collaborations between the arts and techno…
The Digital R&D Fund for the Arts has resulted in several playful yet valuable collaborations between the arts and techno…
With its new name and status as an independent charity, Peckham Platform is a very different organisation, according to&…
Since Derby Theatre became a learning theatre academics and students work alongside theatre staff. Sarah Brigham explain…
In Alex Youel’s second article on membership schemes, he shines a light on operational aspects as the scheme grows.
A new gallery for visiting international artists has recently opened in a terraced house in South Shields in the north east of Eng…
Sarah Stannage warns that many arts organisations may be missing out on European and Government funding available through Local En…
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival has an enviable international reputation but how does it go down with the locals? Sarah M…
Liz Pearson is certain that partnerships between educational and public cultural bodies are maintaining the momentum behind Stratf…
Burns Night is celebrated in some style in Dumfries, with three days of music, theatre and carnival. Graham Main describes how tho…
Are membership schemes a great idea or a lot of work? In the first of two articles Alex Youel helps you think through your busines…
Leadership style is changing, from the extrovert personality controlling from the front to someone who shares power and develops a…
Black theatre company Nitro has recently opened a sister company in Sydney, Australia. Felix Cross tells how it has all been possi…
Richard Clark explains how Bridge organisations are enriching children and young people’s experience of the arts.
Following its nomination as UK City of Culture 2017, Jon Flinn discusses why Hull is going to be a worthy winner.
What can be done to create better links between a touring company and the communities where it tours? Catherine Love offers s…
As the theatre company Women & Theatre celebrates thirty years, Janice Connolly reflects on the company’s origins and va…
The Creative Minds project asks how the work of artists with a learning disability can best join the mainstream. Mark Richardson e…
Zoë Briggs discusses different ways that the theatre industry is training and supporting young people at the start of their caree…
Greg Klerkx believes that everyone has a story to tell, which he proved with a digital literacy project in Portsmouth.
Henry Vann looks back over a busy year since the Government announced its plan to create English Baccalaureate Certificates.
What are the implications for arts organisations engaging in ‘non-primary purpose trading’, such as hiring out a room?…
Julie Aldridge takes the bait thrown down by Trevor O’Donnell’s dismissal of arts marketing as ‘amateur’ a…
Christoph Jankowski introduces Creative Europe, the new EU funding progamme for the cultural and creative sectors.
What sets the 'cultural digerati' apart from the rest? Hasan Bakhshi reflects on the findings of the ‘Digi…