My Gurus – Kathryn Deane

As she prepares to retire, Sound Sense’s Kathryn Deane reflects on those that have – often unknowingly – inspired her work. 


Arts People |

By Kathryn Deane

01 January 1970

Photo of Kathryn Deane

Photo: Andy Howe


I think I might quite like retirement. Especially that bit where you pull your long grey beard and say “it’s getting on for half a century since I started working in the arts”.

So, it’s getting on for half a century since I started working in the arts. But my first group of gurus comes from a couple of years after then, and in different circumstances. Among the many things I notice as I get older is how much I have taken from and been shaped by people who hardly, if at all, knew me. The pity is, I didn’t think of them as gurus at the time – there are so many I should have liked to have thanked.

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