Healthy prospects
Amidst public funding cuts and the turmoil of health reform, Tim Joss sees a big future for arts in health
Amidst public funding cuts and the turmoil of health reform, Tim Joss sees a big future for arts in health
Russell Wallis and Ann Wallis outline a route to supporting those working to deliver the arts and health agenda
Following the success of ‘Singing on prescription’, Hilary Bungay explains how other artforms are getting involved
Jenny Secker on introductory arts courses for people with mental health problems.
The cuts are rapidly becoming synonymous with an unhealthy cultural state, although perhaps we should question how healthy our cul…
Ruth Stevenson and Hannah Biggs explore how to make the arts more accessible for people with mental health problems
It seems abundantly clear to me that small arts organisations are facing a real battle at the moment, by which I mean organisation…
"A project dedicated to the health and well-being of top level dancers is gathering momentum. A £30,000 donation…
With councils across England facing a real terms average loss of grant of 7.25% a year for four years following the Spending Revie…
Recent research by Theodore Stickley shows how arts projects can offer solutions to problems of identity, perception and society.