Who's who and who's new in cultural policy making

DCMS Ministerial team
31 Jul 2024

With a change of government, new faces are taking charge of cultural policy in the UK. Here's Arts Professional's guide to the current movers and shakers in the Houses of Parliament and devolved Assemblies.

Devolution from the ground up

Mural painted on a wall
17 Jul 2024

A new government means new strategies. But if they are to respond truly to what’s required at the local level, it’s up to the sector to make itself heard, says Jason Jones-Hall.

Labour drops Conservatives' levelling up agenda

Angela Rayner
12 Jul 2024

Labour government looks set to devolve more decision making in areas including culture, while offering multi-year budgets rather than competitive bidding processes to local communities.

Arts funding policy under the new government

10 Jul 2024

In a period of fast change, financial pressures, despair about public service provision and political upheaval in the UK and abroad, Michelle Wright considers how policy will impact arts funding in the years to 2030.

Making the case for cultural devolution

03 Jul 2024

All parties seem to agree that devolution is a good thing but the details about how culture will feature are scant. Anne Torreggiani and Patrick Towell discuss why and how we need to build the evidence base.

The future of cultural devolution

Graphic of the UK
24 May 2023

The UK is among the most centralised and unequal countries, which has a profound impact on where culture and creativity has flourished. Trevor MacFarlane explores whether devolution could be an opportunity to recalibrate the creative ecosystem.

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