
What now?

WEB EXCLUSIVE: While the arts community considers its response to the fine print of the Comprehensive Spending Review, Neil Darwin…

The green issue

Clare Cooper urges arts organisations to understand that they have the power to change hearts and minds as we face up to the chall…

News comment

The latest research into the impacts of the recession (p3) offers little in the way of comfort for the sector. John Nicholls revea…

News comment

Following our lead story last issue, David Dixon advises caution when considering the merits of a Friends’ scheme

What now?

While the arts community considers its response to the fine print of the Comprehensive Spending Review, Neil Darwin, Director of R…

Music matters

 Your focus on music education in AP226 was timely, coming as it did just days after Michael Gove announced his review of mus…

Creativity in numbers?

In response to our special news story published online last week, Liz Hill unpicks the figures used by CCE to justify its existenc…

A national concern

I value the arts, says Anne Bonnar, but why is the scope and reach of the NCA’s recent campaign limited north of the border?

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